The Next Chapter – Grand Opening (January 2023)
The City of Round Rock built the new library at 200 East Liberty Avenue which opened in January 2023. The new library is approximately 66,000 square feet with an adjacent parking garage.
In November 2013, a majority of voters approved bonds to build a new main library, which opened in January 2023. With additional space and modernized features, the library will expand its core services with ambitious programming that takes advantage of advanced technology. This will be offered with outdoor garden spaces, flexible conference rooms, training/educational labs, and a design that intends for RRPL to be a principal community hub of Round Rock.
About the project
In November 2013, a majority of voters approved the use of $23.2 million in bond proceeds to build a new main library, and renovate the existing library or build a new branch library. With additional space, the library will expand its core services to children, teens and adults, as well as technology and more types of meeting spaces and program rooms.
A new 65,000 square-foot Main Library with structured parking, located on the block directly north of the current library site, replaced the existing 43,000 square-foot library at East Main and Sheppard.
Opening date: January 28, 2023
Area: 65,000 square feet
This chart shows the process that PGAL, the project architects, will use in designing the new library. VIEW CHART
“Learn. Connect. Grow.”
Project Timeline
The City of Round Rock held an official ribbon-cutting ceremony on January 28, for the new Library at 200 East Liberty Avenue in Downtown Round Rock, just one block north of the City’s existing library.
Library on 216 E. Main St closed in anticipation for re-opening at new location on 200 E. Liberty Ave.
Installation of the automated material handling system and shelving.
Certificate of Substantial Completion
MAY 2022
720 design led a furniture installation coordination meeting.
A ‘topping off’ ceremony was held on January 6, 2022, to commemorate the completion of a building’s structure – specifically the placement of the roof.
The project reached another milestone on October 28, 2021, with the roof placement on the library building.
JUNE 2021
The City of Round Rock held an official groundbreaking ceremony Thursday, June 17, for the new Library at 200 East Liberty Avenue in Downtown Round Rock, just one block north of the City’s existing library.
The Round Rock City Council voted unanimously February 11 to award construction of the new public library to Hensel Phelps for $29.8 million.
MAY 2020
The City of Round Rock unveiled the design for its new public library at the City Council meeting on Thursday, May 14.
APRIL 2019
City Council approves $4.2 million purchase of land for new library purchase of land situated on the block directly north of the current library’s location. The new location is bordered by Austin and Liberty Avenues to the north and south, and Sheppard and Lampasas Streets to the east and west.
JUNE 2018
PGAL’s design team has begun conceptual layouts of the new Public Library. With the help of Library staff, they have identified two potential layouts that meet the building needs of the Library, that include a parking garage, and save the monarch oak tree, located on the site. The design team is currently working through the architectural process to take the concepts into Schematic Design.
MARCH 2018
PGAL concludes the discovery and programming phase of design. This phase included meetings with every City department and with the Downtown Neighborhood Association. High-level requirements that will ultimately shape the design of the library were collected during these discussions. The design team will now begin conceptual design which will consist of a site layout and a building floorplan. The Schematic Design phase is expected to last four months.
PGAL begins discovery and programming phase of library design with a project kick-off meeting with library staff. This phase of design is anticipated to last 2 months.
PGAL is selected as the library project architect. The architectural and engineering services agreement includes a comprehensive needs assessment, program development, design and construction administration.
The project is still in the initialization phase. Progress has been made in discovering site conditions by performing a geotechnical investigation and environmental survey. The initial architect interview process has been completed. The selection team is preparing to negotiate a contract. The project is still on track to have an architectural agreement negotiated and approved by City Council before January 2018.
Three architecture firms were interviewed and once the selection process is completed, contract negotiation and City Council approval is expected to last through the end of the year.
JULY 2017
Seventeen architectural firms responded to the request for qualification and the selection process for a design team is in progress.
JUNE 2017
Released a public advertisement for Request for Statement of Interests and Qualifications. “The City of Round Rock seeks the services of qualified consultants for professional architectural services and design services related to the following: New Construction of a Multi-Story Public Library.
Additional Project Information
Consistent with downtown development goals and library usage analysis, the project intends to provide:
- Additional space for collections and multi-media library materials;
- Areas for adult, teen and children’s programming;
- Study and collaboration areas;
- Multi-purpose community meeting rooms;
- Work space for staff and volunteers;
- Additional parking for downtown.
The former library building is expected to include an Arts and Culture space, the Round Rock Visitors Center and the Round Rock Chamber. Read more about the plans for the old library building.
Join the Friends — The Friends of the Round Rock Public Library is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit volunteer organization supporting the Round Rock Public Library provide funding and manpower to enhance Round Rock Public Library services to library users. They build library support among community members through events such as the Summer Reading Program, a monthly November membership program, and the Mystery Night community fundraiser usually held in the Spring. They also raise funds through an ongoing used book sale.
Friends are also our cheerleaders and help spread the word about the new library project. Whether you are a community service organization, a business owner, or a resident of Round Rock who is interested in supporting the development of the new Library, we welcome and encourage your support.
· Link up with us on social media! Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
· Share the information through your neighborhood association or NextDoor.
· Participate in outreach events such as Christmas Family Night, Hometown Halloween, Round Rock Arts Festival and more!
For additional information, please contact Michelle Cervantes, Director, at 512-218-7010 or
Community Engagement

Library History
On Friday, June 22, 1962, RRPL opened in a room measuring 12 feet by 18 feet as a community service project of the Round Rock Home Demonstration Club. There was no air conditioning, bathroom, or telephone. The library was open from 2-5 p.m. and library cards were 10 cents each. The library quickly outgrew this space and moved to its current location at 216 East Main Street in 1965, sharing the space with various City Hall offices. Multiple renovations have occurred in the ensuing decades, including City Hall moving into its own new space in 1987. The two-story limestone building has served us for all the years since.