Use of fireworks is illegal in City limits

A change in state law, made during the last legislative session, allows the sale of fireworks just outside of the City limits. Previously, fireworks stands had to be at least 5,000 feet (just under one mile) outside of City limits.

Now, fireworks stands have popped up in areas we refer to as “donut holes,” parcels of land almost or completely surrounded by a city’s limits, but have not been annexed into the city. These locations are legal, but the change has caused some confusion among residents, some of whom have contacted the City asking if it is now legal to discharge fireworks in the City. The answer is: Absolutely Not.

Use or possession of fireworks is a crime punishable by a fine of up to $2,000 and/or six months in jail. Fireworks include devices which make a visible or audible effect when set off and Round Rock’s ordinance specifically outlaws possession and use of sparklers, skyrockets and firecrackers.

This map shows Fireworks Free Zones in Williamson County, i.e, those areas within 5,000 feet of the City limits. You might be surprised at how few areas there are in the southern portion of the County where fireworks can be discharged legally.

The video below, produced by the Round Rock Fire Department in conjunction with neighboring fire departments, tells the story. You can’t shoot ’em off here or anywhere else in the region inside a City’s limits.




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