Round Rock water quality report now online

The City of Round Rock has released its annual Consumer Confidence Report, providing customers with detailed information about the quality of their drinking water during the previous calendar year.

The City’s water system was tested for up to 97 federally-regulated constituents, or minerals, as required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The results indicate that the city’s drinking water meets or exceeds all federal and state water quality standards.

The full report is available for public viewing at or via the link below.

Drought Restrictions Reminder

The City of Round Rock remains under Stage 1 Drought Restrictions that enforce a maximum of two outdoor watering days per week for its customers. This encompasses all Round Rock water customers, which includes residents residing in Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) outside the City limits.

If your address ends in… Allowed Watering Days under Stage 1 Drought Restrictions 
4 or 8 Sunday and/or Thursday 
0 or 3 Monday and/or Thursday 
2, 6 or 7 Tuesday and/or Friday 
1, 5 or 9 Wednesday and/or Saturday 

Watering is allowed between midnight to 10 a.m. or 7 p.m. to midnight only. 




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