The City of Round Rock was recognized with eight awards for communications and marketing at the City-County Communications and Marketing Association (3CMA) annual conference last week in Orlando, Fla.
Round Rock’s Communications and Marketing Department took home the most first place awards, as well as the most overall, at the national conference for local government communicators.
Four first-place Savvy Awards were awarded to the team:
- Issue Specific Website — Downtown Round Rock Website Refresh. Judges said, “This redesign is a total home run,” and called it “a beautiful website that combines video, high quality photos, and a thought out navigation to help residents find what they’re looking for and feel inspired to visit downtown.”
- Single Social Media Post (Population greater than 100,000) — Roundabout PSA featuring Drake. Judges said, “Love the use of pop culture/memes to stay on trend while highlighting important information.”
- Education/Training Video (Population between 85,000-130,000) — Barbie Budget Video. Judges said, “The creativity behind this concept was genius. Not only was there impressive attention to details, but it is evident that it was a thoughtful process from beginning to end.”
- One-Time Special Video (Population between 75,000-150,000) — Round Rock Community Comes Together in Tornado Aftermath. Judges said, “Wow, this is a powerful video piece that leaves the viewers with a sense of pride in humanity even if Round Rock isn’t your community.”
The City’s downtown website redesign was also a nominee for the Diamond Award, which recognizes the “best of the best” among award recipients.
The City also garnered a second-place Silver Circle Award for its social media campaign leading up to the opening of the new Round Rock Public Library, as well as three third-place Awards of Excellence, for its Places in Time video series, Fourth of July photography and Ice Storm Recovery Dashboard.
The Savvy Awards competition evaluates local government communications and is judged by professionals from local government, consulting and academic communities.