With the new year almost here, many might be tempted to bring it in with a bang—literally—and shoot fireworks off within Round Rock city limits. However, fireworks are illegal in Round Rock, and this year the City of Round Rock took a humorous approach to the annual reminder with a movie-themed public service announcement.
The PSA parodies the iconic “Say it’s carol singers” scene from the 2003 film “Love Actually.” Along with the reminder that fireworks are illegal, it prompts residents to think of their neighbors and pets, and the danger fireworks present.
Like many Texas cities, the City of Round Rock explicitly prohibits the sale or use of any fireworks. Use or possession of fireworks is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $2,000.
Fireworks include devices which make a visible or audible effect when set off. The City’s ordinance specifically outlaws possession and use of sparklers, skyrockets and firecrackers.

What about outside the city limits?
Just because you live outside the City limits doesn’t mean it is legal to discharge fireworks. There is a 5,000-foot fireworks-free zone outside City limits in Williamson County. This map shows where fireworks can be legally discharged — and where they cannot.
On a national scale, fireworks started an estimated 31,302 fires in 2022, including 3,504 structure fires, 887 vehicle fires, 26,492 outside fires, and 418 unclassified fires. More than $109 million in property was reported damaged by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
Citizens who have fireworks, which are illegal, may turn them in to the Inspection Division without penalty by contacting 512-218-5590. Citizens who wish to report illegal use of fireworks should call 512-218-5500.
What about fireworks stands that appear to be located in Round Rock?
Due to state law, fireworks stands are able to open on parcels of land almost or completely surrounded by a city’s limits, but have not been annexed into the city. This does not mean that it’s actually legal to use fireworks within the City, or within the 5,000-foot buffer zone, which most of these stands are located in.