The new Round Rock Public Library located at 200 E. Liberty Ave. is nearing completion. As staff prepares to shift the collection to the new library, the current building located at 216 E. Main Street will be closed starting Friday, Dec. 23. This closure will remain in effect until the new building opens in late January 2023.
During the closure period, access to eBooks, eAudiobooks, music, videos and other e-resources will remain available. Learn more at roundrocktexas.gov/library.
When does this building close?
Your last day to visit the library in our current location is Thursday, Dec. 22. The Library will be open during normal business hours from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
When will the new building open?
The new library building at 200 E. Liberty Ave. will open near the end of January 2023. The new parking garage will open on the same date.
How can I get books, movies, and music while the building is closed?
Our digital resources will be available. Access eBooks, eAudiobooks, music, videos and more with your library card. You can apply for your free TexShare card at a service desk. You can also use your TexShare card at other Texas libraries.
How can I return items while you’re closed?
We are adjusting the due dates so nothing is due while we are closed. You are welcome to return items while we are closed. Bring them to the current building at 216 East Main Street and put them in the outside return slots.
Where are the outside return slots?
From East Liberty Avenue, turn into the driveway between this building and Baxters. The slots are in the back wall of this building. You can return items here during the time when both the other and new library buildings are closed.

What if I have questions while you’re closed?
There are many ways to find out up-to-date information about the library:
– Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
– Check the news items on our website.
– Use the “Ask a Librarian” e-mail link on the library website, or call the numbers listed there.
How do I learn more about the new building?
Visit the library website at roundrocktexas.gov/library and look in the “About Us” menu for our Bond Project.
How can I help?
Thank you for wanting to help! We have created a moving plan using library staff and contractors. We will stay organized and on track by following that plan.
If you like the idea of helping from time to time with library projects, please consider joining the Friends of the Round Rock Public Library. Learn more at roundrocktexas.gov/friends.