Round Rock approves new playground equipment for Old Settlers Park

Round Rock City Council unanimously approved funds on Feb. 27 to replace the Joanne Land Playground at Old Settlers Park.

The new playground, funded through $1.87 million in voter-approved 2023 general obligation (GO) bonds, will be the largest in the city’s inventory and will include modern safety and accessibility features.

The playground was designed and will be installed by WeBuildFun, Inc., which installed the park’s original Joanne Land Playground in 2016. Although the lifecycle for a typical playground in Round Rock’s park system is approximately 15 years, the previous playground was one of the most heavily used in Round Rock, requiring frequent repairs.

The new play structure will be approximately twice the size of the original and will include integrated lighting, poured-in-place rubber surfacing, and plastic components designed to minimize heat absorption. This will be the first installation of this particular equipment, which will be included in the manufacturer’s catalogue.

Joanne Land, the namesake of the playground, was the City of Round Rock’s City Secretary from 1970-2002, a period when Round Rock’s population grew from less than 3,000 people to more than 60,000.

The playground will be located near the new pavilion and restrooms being built as part of the larger voter-approved improvements to Old Settlers Park.

Playground Location

Installation is scheduled to begin this year.

For more information on the Old Settlers Park improvement projects, visit

New Playground Renderings

Note: Colors subject to change




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