The Play for All Foundation, Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department, park expansion donors, the Mayor and City Council Members held a Ground Breaking Ceremony to officially kick off the construction process for the Play for All Park Expansion at 10 a.m. Friday, March 10, at the Play for All Park, 151 N. A.W. Grimes Blvd.
The Play for All Foundation and the City of Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department joined forces again to expand the Play for All Park. After hosting several community input meetings, plans are in place to take the Play for All Park to the next level by doubling the size of the current park by creating 3 additional themed play spaces and expanding 4 current play spaces. The construction process will begin spring of 2017 with the completion date of fall 2017.
The non-profit Play for All Foundation has raised close to $400,000 for the park expansion. Local businesses and several local service clubs have contributed to the park making the expansion a reality. The fundraising process will continue throughout the construction process. Donations of any amount to the Play for All Park Expansion can be made at www.play4all.org.
The park has truly become a treasure and from opening day, hundreds of thousands have visited the park from Central Texas and across the nation. Throughout the year, children are bussed in from surrounding communities to enjoy this one of a kind park.
Community groups and lead sponsors for the Play for All Expansion include: Nyle Maxell Family of Dealerships, Chasco Constructors, Wag A Bag, Nolan Ryan Foundation/Round Rock Express, Dell Children’s/Ascension, Musco Lighting, The Atmos Energy/Robert W. Best Charitable Giving Fund, Austin Area Chick-fil-A, Round Rock Police Department Foundation, Matt & Natasha Baker REALTORS, 360 Engineering, Studio 16:19, Inland Geodetics, Waeltz & Prete, Inc. Civil Engineers, KAH Architecture, Kiwanis Round Rock, Round Rock Lions Noon Club, Rotary Round Rock and Sertoma Round Rock.