The 5th Annual Best of Round Rock poll names Christmas Family Night and Sertoma July 4thParade and Frontier Days as the best annual events in Round Rock. More than 50,000 votes were cast by Round Rock residents to determine the winners. Both event are produced by the nationally award winning Parks and Recreation Department. The awards were announced at the Music on Main event.
The Best of Round Rock is an annual anonymous vote put together by Round the Rock TX . Nominations were asked for and collected in January 2018 on the Round the Rock TX website. From the over 500 nominations, the top 5 nominees from each category were added to the vote. Voters had from February 5, 2018 thru March 2, 2018 to vote. Voters were only allowed one opportunity to cast their vote (multiple votes were not allowed/deleted). More than 50,000 votes were cast by Round Rock residents to determine the winners.
For more information about Round Rock special events, visit www.roundrocktexas.gov/specialevents.