Fireworks are illegal to discharge in City

Some people like to ring in the New Year with a bang, but the city of Round Rock explicitly prohibits the sale or use of any fireworks. Use or possession of fireworks is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $2,000 and/or six months in jail. Use or possession of fireworks is a crime punishable by a fine of up to $2,000 and/or six months in jail.

Fireworks include devices which make a visible or audible effect when set off. The City’s ordinance specifically outlaws possession and use of sparklers, skyrockets and firecrackers.

Most firework burn injuries involve children. These are usually burns to the hands and eyes causing vision impairment and disfiguring scars. Sparklers are the biggest danger to children. The tip temperature at the end of the sparkler reaches 1800 degrees Fahrenheit and can easily cause a burn.


Nationally, more than $36 million in property is damaged each year due to fireworks.

And just because you live outside the City limits doesn’t mean it is legal to discharge fireworks. There is a 5,000-foot fireworks-free zone outside City limits in Williamson County. This map shows where fireworks can be legally discharged — and where they cannot.





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