UPDATE (4:30 p.m., Jan. 2) – Internet and phone service has been restored at all city facilities.
The City of Round Rock is experiencing an internet outage that is affecting some city services. The outage is caused by a fiber optic line break that is currently in repair by the City’s internet service provider.
Emergency services, including 911, are fully operational and remain unaffected. Non-emergency calls to the Round Rock Police Department can be directed to 512-218-5515 during this time.
Phone lines have also been established for utilities emergencies:
For water emergencies, call 512-801-5003.
For wastewater emergencies, call 512-801-0418.
Online public services, such as utility payments and service requests, remain accessible. Customers can make a one-time payment or set up auto-pay by registering for an account. Learn more at roundrocktexas.gov/paymybill.