City Council approves $3.3 million for arterial road improvements

Round Rock City Council approved a contract at its Aug. 12 meeting that will improve the state of specific arterial roads throughout the City.

Portions of Hesters Crossing Road, Jeffrey Way, Paloma Drive, Mays Street, Old Settlers Boulevard, and Forest Creek Drive are included in the $3.3 million contract with Texas Materials. Improvements will include a 2″ mill and overlay and minor concrete repairs to damaged curbs, gutters, and sidewalks.

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The project is anticipated to kick off in early fall and will be completed in early 2022.

The City manages more than 1,200 lane miles of roadways within its jurisdiction. The Transportation Department’s street maintenance program aims to preserve and improve the conditions of existing roadways by monitoring the state of its roadways and systematically repairing or repaving the top layers of City streets as needed.

In recent years, the City has devoted $4 million annually to improving residential streets. Since the program’s inception in 2012, over $30 million has been expended to improve the roads in over 35 neighborhoods in the City.




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