Conservation Rebates



City of Round Rock Water Rebates

The City’s rebate programs are focused on reducing the use of potable, drinking water at our customer’s properties.  We want want to be used smartly, not wasted.  

The City does not have rebates for energy conservation since we are not an energy provider. Check with your electric or gas company for rebates on energy-efficient appliances, such as HVAC units, water heaters, and solar panels.

Better Bathroom Rebate

Bathrooms are the highest water using rooms of the house, accounting for half of indoor water use!  Easily upgrade your bathroom with rebates covering half the cost of WaterSense labeled toilets, bath faucets, and showerheads.

One WaterSense labeled showerhead saves 2,700 gallons of water annually and enough energy to power your home for 11 days.  Replacing old toilets with WaterSense labeled toilets, can save up to 4,000 gallons of water per toilet, per year!

Ferguson Enterprises is offering partnered pricing for participants in the Better Bathroom program.  Use the Round Rock Water Conservation account (#932490) when purchasing via phone or at their local branch.

The Better Bathroom rebate is for direct City of Round Rock water customers only.



  • Rebate is for the purchase and installation of new WaterSense labeled toilets, showerheads, and bath faucets.
  • Rebate is 50% of the cost of the fixture and up to $50 per fixture for installation. 
  • Maximum rebate amount per year is $600.
  • For full details, see the Better Bathroom Application.


  • Rebate for the purchase of WaterSense Labeled toilets, flush urinals, showerheads, bathroom faucets, and faucet aerators.
  • Available to commercial, industrial, governmental, and apartment properties.  
  • Rebate is 50% of the cost of the fixture.
  • Maximum rebate is $1000 per water account.
  • For full details see Commercial Bathroom Rebate.

Efficient Clothes Washer Rebate

Clothes washers account for 22% of water use inside our homes. New front-loading efficient washers use 15-40% less water, depending on age of previous washer. Energy Star labeled washers use 20% less energy, 35% less water, and have larger washtubs, which means fewer loads.

The Efficient Clothes Washer rebate is for direct City of Round Rock water customers only.


For the purchase of a high-efficiency clothes washer.

Flow Sensor Rebate

Unexpected leaks and cause damage to your home and property, cause high bills, and a lot of wasted water!  Use of a real-time, water flow sensor can alert you to potential leaks and unusual usage at your property, before damage can happen.

The Flow Sensor rebate is for direct City of Round Rock water customers only.


  • Flume 2, Flo by MOEN, Phyn Plus, Drop Connect, and StreamLabs Control are the only flow sensors eligible for this rebate.
  • The property must have a WiFi signal that reaches the water meter.
  • Rebate is 50% up to $300 for the device and installation.
  • For full details, see Flow Sensor Application.

Healthy Lawn Rebates

The City and LCRA both offer healthy lawn rebates. Depending on your water provider, you may be able to apply for both programs.

  • City rebates are only available to residents who receive a water bill directly from the City of Round Rock.
  • LCRA rebates are available to ALL city residents.

Core aeration and compost helps in reducing soil compaction, promotes deep root growth, and reduces water runoff.  Deep and healthy soils means less supplemental water is needed. 


City Program is for core aeration and compost application lawn services:
  • Property must have both aeration and compost added to the lawn.
  • Aeration MUST be core aeration. Liquid aeration will not qualify.
  • Rebate is $100 per house or $300 per commercial property.
  • Don’t forget, mulch is FREE to City water customers at our Brush Recycling Center.
  • For full details, see Healthy Lawn Rebate.
LCRA Programs are for soil tests, compost and mulch additions, and mechanical aeration.
  • Soil Tests:
    • Up to $50 for a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension soil test, or 50% of the cost up to $125 for a Texas Plant and Soil Lab test.
  • Mechanical Aeration:
    • 50% of equipment rental or contractor costs up to $100
  • Compost and Mulch:
    • 50% of cost up to $600 per household.
    • No Dillo Dirt, rock, or rubber permitted.
  • LCRA details at or Apply Here.

Lawn Conversion Rebate

Native plants usually require less water than turf grass. Removing, and therefore not irrigating, grass can save thousands of gallons of water each year. 

The LCRA offers landscaping rebates that ALL Round Rock residents can apply for.  This is one of them.

This program requires pre-approval! Contact LCRA staff at to get started.



  • This Turf Replacement program offers $0.50 per square foot, up to $600, for converting healthy turf grass to native garden beds or drought-tolerant landscapes.
  • New installations may not include artificial turf, impermeable pavement, or a different variety of turfgrass.
  • Irrigation systems must be removed from the converted areas.
  • See the details at or Apply Here. 


  • Pre-approval required! Contact LCRA staff at to schedule the pre-inspection visit.
  • Rebate is $0.50 per square foot up to $4,000 to convert a minimum of 200 sqft of healthy turf grass to garden beds or drought-tolerant landscapes.
  • Replacement areas may not include artificial turf, pavement, excessive rocks, or turf grass.
  • Irrigation systems must be removed from the converted areas.
  • See details at

Irrigation Rebates

Outdoor watering accounts for 60-70% of the City’s total water use in the summer! By making irrigation systems more efficient, we can reduce water use and water waste and improve the health of landscapes.

The City of Round Rock and the LCRA both offer irrigation efficiency programs that Round Rock residents can apply for. Depending on your water provider, you may be able to apply for both programs.

  • City rebates are available to residents who receive a water bill directly from the City of Round Rock.
  • LCRA rebates are available to ALL Round Rock residents.


City Program (must be a direct City water customer to apply)

  • Available to all customers with existing irrigation systems, not for new installations or additions.
  • Rebates provided on WaterSense controllers, pressure reducing equipment, converting areas to drip, weather sensors (rain, freeze, or soil), decommissioning the system and more.
  • Property must have a working rain sensor at each controller. New sensors are eligible for rebate.
  • Rebate is up to $500 per residential account.
  • For full details, see Smart Irrigation Rebate.

LCRA Program (available to all qualifying Round Rock residents)


LCRA provides rebates at commercial, multifamily, industrial, and institutional properties on specific irrigation upgrades or modifications.

These are available to customers with existing irrigation systems, not for new installations or additions.

  • WaterSense smart controllers: 50% of the cost of device up to $500
  • Flow sensors: 50% of the cost of device up to $300
  • Soil moisture sensors: 50% of the cost up to $900
  • Rain sensors: 50% of the cost up to $20 per sensor
  • Pressure-reducing heads or nozzles: 50% of the cost of devices up to $5 per head or nozzle
  • Pressure-reducing valves and in-line regulators: 50% of the cost of devices up to $100 per valve
  • Hose-end timer: 50% of the cost of device up to $40.
  • See details and how to apply here. 

Rainwater Collection Rebates

Rainwater can be used for watering plants, trees, filling bird baths and ponds. Rainwater is better for plants than treated potable water, due to higher nitrogen levels. Collecting rainwater also reduces soil erosion and helps conserve our drinking water supply.

The Rainwater Collection rebate is for direct City of Round Rock water customers only.


For the purchase and installation of water collection materials; this could be rainwater or air conditioner condensate.
  • Purchased barrels or tanks must be designed specifically to collect and store liquid. Used or self-made barrels (i.e. converted trash cans or drums) are not eligible.
  • Rebate is $0.50 per gallon of water storage capacity.
  • Rebate is also 50% of pad material, pump, and components for the collection project.
  • Total rebate is up to $600 per water account.
  • For full details, see the Rainwater Harvesting application.

Swimming Pool Rebates

The LCRA offers two swimming pool efficiency rebates that all Round Rock residents can apply for.  Covering a pool when not in use is a great way to reduce water loss from evaporation. 



  • Pool Filters:  Up to $250 per high-efficiency cartridge filter.
  • Pool Covers:  50% of the purchase price


  • 50% of the cost, up to $250 per high-efficiency cartridge pool filters
  • Find details and apply here. 

Commercial Property - Water Saving Technology

The LCRA offers efficiency rebates that all Round Rock residents can apply for.  This is one of them.  Contact LCRA staff at for more information.

LCRA offers rebates of 50% of the cost, up to $20,000, for the installation of water-saving technology, such as:

  • rainwater harvesting,
  • cooling tower recycling,
  • commercial ice machines,
  • commercial laundry water recycling systems, and more!
  • A water audit is required.

Contact Us

For questions or to have an application sent to you, please email Jessica Woods or call 512-671-2872.

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