Permit Applications & Registrations
Visit our Permit Portal to access permit applications and register your company. All customers must create an account when accessing the portal. If you have questions or need assistance with the Permit Portal or application process, please contact our Permit Team by Email.
Permit Information
City Ordinance requires a Right-of-Way permit when any utility company is to place facilities in, on, under, or over the City of Round Rock owned or otherwise controlled property.
Right-of-Way permits require the following from an Applicant when submitting an application:
- Registered Utility Company with valid Certificate of Insurance & Utility Bond on-file. You’ll need to add your Utility company to the permit record under “Contractors” when submitting your application in the permit portal – which can seem a bit contradictory, but we track all companies under this spot for each permit record.
- Registered Contractor & Subs all with valid Certificate of Insurance on-file. You’ll need to add all Contractors performing field work to the permit record for tracking when submitting your application in the permit portal.
- Submittal Plans showcasing all requirements.
- CORR General Notes required to be showcased in plan set.
- Traffic Control Plan.
- $400 fee if applicable, subject to change upon Civil Inspector review.
Utility Surety Bonds are in the amount of $5000.00.
The review period for Right-of-Way permits is 30-days excluding weekends or holidays. Be mindful that sometimes this timeframe may stray a bit longer depending on if the specified work is conflicting with a City project. Please refrain from contacting City staff for updates during the review period. We will reach out to the applicant if we require additional information. Additionally, all status updates, including issuance and fees due, regarding the permit will be viewable from the Permit Portal.
Insurance & Bond RequirementsPlan Submittal Requirements
Please send any Bond/Insurance renewals to us by Email.
City Ordinance requires a Small Cell Node Permit when placement of a network node, node support poles, or transport facilities are necessary within the City owned public ROW.
Small Cell Node permits require a number of documents from the Applicant when submitting a new application, please refer to them in the below .pdf:
SCN Plan Submittal Requirements
If your SCN Application doesn’t have the Fiber Feed showcased it WILL be rejected.
The following fees will also be required where applicable:
- $500.00 Application Fee (includes 5 nodes)
- $250.00 Node Fee (if applicable, only occurs after 5 initial nodes)
- $1000.00 Node Support Pole Fee (if applicable)
- $28x#Nodes/month Transport Facility Fee (if applicable)
- Prorated Annual Fee
The initial review period for Small Cell Nodes is 30-days excluding weekends or holidays. Be mindful that sometimes this timeframe may stray a bit longer depending on if the specified work is conflicting with a City project. Please refrain from contacting City staff for updates during the review period. During this time frame we will review your application and notify you if any additional paperwork or modifications are needed for a “complete” application. All status updates, including issuance and fees due, regarding the permit will be viewable from the Permit Portal. Additionally, Small Cell Node permits are subject to extended review periods. See the below schedule outlined for “final decision of approval/denial”, as review schedules vary based on the type of install.
- 21 days after receipt of complete application for a transport facility.
- 60 days after receipt of a complete application for a network node.
- 150 days after receipt of a complete application for a new node support pole.
- Registered Contractor & Subs with valid Certificate of Insurance and Contractor Bond. You’ll need to add all Contractors performing field work to the permit record for tracking when submitting your application in the portal.
- Location Sketch of Work showcasing all requirements (plans).
- General $50.00 fee if residential property or $200.00 fee if commercial property subject to changes upon Civil Inspector review.
Contractor Surety Bonds are in the amount of $2000.00.
If you are a Homeowner performing work, the City will require the following from the Applicant:
- Homeowners Insurance to use in-place of Contractor Certificate of Insurance/Bond should any damages occur. You’ll need to add “N/A” under the list of Contractors to bypass the verification that a Contractor is doing work when submitting your application in the portal.
- Location Sketch of Work showcasing all requirements (plans).
- General $50.00 fee subject to changes upon Civil Inspector review.
The review period for Street Cut/Driveway permits is 30-days excluding weekends or holidays. Be mindful that sometimes this timeframe may stray a bit longer depending on if the specified work is conflicting with a City project. Please refrain from contacting City staff for updates during the review period. We will reach out to the applicant if we require additional information. Additionally, all status updates, including issuance and fees due, regarding the permit will be viewable from the Permit Portal.
Plan Submittal RequirementsPlease send any Bond/Insurance renewals to us by Email.
For information pertaining to as-builts please contact Jimmy Vrabel;(512) 218-6604.
City Ordinances require permits to conduct special events, filming, parades and block parties. The required information can be found under the Administration Department.
City Ordinances require permits for commercial, single-family, trade/On-the-spot, remodels/finish-outs/additions, site developments, and sign & banners. The required information can be found under Developmental Services department.
You can verify our limits by checking CityView. This system also allows you to verify various layer elements specific to CORR, like water, wastewater and storm lines.
Yes, any permit that you apply for under your account name will be tied to your account. This means that you can view the status of your permit, request inspections and even pay fees related to your specific application directly through the portal.
Additionally, upon the issuance of any permit, it becomes the responsibility of the applicant to coordinate the approved permit with any staff that requires reference of the approved permit application.
If additional representatives require access to view or modify the application, you can include their contact information within a comment to us, and we can add them to the “People” section so they have the same permissions as you.
Yes, you can reach out to us by comment on the specific permit case from the portal. We will be notified that you have left a note and reply as soon as possible.
Alternatively, you can reach out to us by Email.
This means you will need to register with the City, so we can include you in the system. Under “Select Application Type” search for the “Contractor Registration” dropdown, and select the specific registration that applies to your company. From there, simply follow the specified steps to register your company.
Users can either request an extension through the permit portal on the respective permit record in the comments section, or they can request through Email.
Should any complications arise when using the Permit Portal, please reach out to the Permit Team by Email and explain the issue that occurred.
Contact Information
For any inquiries regarding the Permit Portal, Applications, or Insurance/Bond Renewals please contact:
The Permit Team
For any specific inquiries regarding Right-of-Way, Street Cut, or Small Cell Node construction, please contact:
Chief Construction Inspector
Eddie Imken; (512) 218-3241
3400 Sunrise Road
Round Rock, Texas 78665