Beginning in 2025 requests for Zoning Verification Letters and Certificates of Zoning Compliance must be requested through the Permit Portal. If you need help setting up an account refer to the Permit Portal Help page.
A Zoning Verification Letter provides information to lenders and real estate professionals about the uses permitted on a particular property, its development potential and compliance with current zoning ordinances.
A Certificate of Zoning Compliance confirms that a proposed land use is allowed in a particular property’s zoning district. It may be required for a development permit or for some business permits, such as tattooing.
If you do not require a signed letter you can look up the current zoning of a property using CityView, Round Rock’s internet map server. Zoning districts’ legally permitted uses and development standards are posted in the Code of Ordinances.
Zoning Verification Letters
Often required for commercial real estate transactions
Note: It is not possible to determine conclusively that a property is in conformance with current codes without a survey/inspection of the property in its current condition.
Beginning in 2025 please request zoning verification letters through the Permit Portal. The portal will request the following information:
- Requestor’s contact information
- Address of property
- If the address on the letter should be someone other than the requestor, that party’s name and mailing address.
- Payment information – there is a $50 fee for zoning verification letters.
Letters can usually be completed within a week. A pdf will be posted to the Portal and the paper copy will be sent to the requestor via US mail. If you have questions contact Kerstin Harding at or 512-218-5421.
Beginning in 2025 please request zoning verification letters through the Permit Portal. If you need help setting up an account refer to the Permit Portal Help page. Firms that request letters frequently may want to consider setting up an escrow account.
Note: some fields are required and the request will not advance until something is entered. If you do not have anything to enter in that field, enter a space.
- Select “Create” from the left hand column and “New Application” from the main panel.
- If you want to include a project number for your own tracking purposes enter it under “Add project name”
- For Type Select “Planning and Zoning”
- then “Zoning”
- then “Zoning Verification and Zoning Compliance”
- then “Zoning Verification Letter”
- The “Next” button is on the lower right.
- Property location: type the address you’re inquiring about in the “Search by address” box. or use the map to navigate to your property and select it.
- You can select multiple addresses, and if they are part of the same subdivision they can often be put on one letter for one fee. Staff will inform you if the properties must be requested separately.
- All the addresses you’ve selected will appear in the “Selected Addresses” box, and all the tax parcels you’ve selected will appear in the “Selected Parcels” box. To remove addresses and tax parcels (RCodes) you do not want on the letter, select each address and click “Remove address” or “Remove parcel”. Only keep the address(es) and/or parcel(s) you want on the letter.
- Click “Next” and confirm your selections.
- Enter your contact information. Click “Add my info” to use the information in your user account.
- Zoning verification letter data:
- If you want the address at the top of the letter to be what you just entered as contact information leave this blank. If you want the letter to be addressed to another party enter the address here.
- If you want the letter pdf sent only to you, leave this blank. If you want the pdf sent also to another party, enter their email here. Separate multiple emails with semicolons (;).
- If you want the paper copy of the letter to be sent to you, leave this blank. If you want it sent to another party enter their mailing address. Only one paper copy will be sent.
- If there is anything you would like to convey to staff about your request, enter it under “Is there anything else…”
- If you wish to upload a plat map or other document you can do so on the next screen.
- Review the terms and conditions and click OK.
The zoning verification letter does include the following information:
- Current zoning (base and overlay zoning districts)
- Historic designation (indicated by the H (Historic) overlay zoning district)
- Variances and/or Special Exceptions
- Whether the current use is permitted
- Zoning of adjacent properties
- Current zoning and environmental code violations
The zoning verification letter does not include the following information, which may be obtained through an Open Records Request.
- Building permit information and Certificates of Occupancy
- Copies of as-built site plans
- Known current building code violations
- Known current fire code violations
Certificates of Zoning Compliance
Often required for business permitting
A Certificate of Zoning Compliance is sometimes required for a development or business permit (such as tattooing) to confirm that the proposed business is legally permitted in the proposed location.
Beginning in 2025 please request zoning verification letters through the Permit Portal. The Portal will request the following information:
- Requestor’s contact information
- Address of proposed business activity
- Description of the proposed business activity (e.g. microblading, tattooing, piercing, etc.)
The letter will be issued as a pdf; if you require a paper letter please provide a mailing address. There is no fee for this type of letter. If you have any questions contact Kerstin Harding at or 512-218-5421.
Beginning in 2025 please request zoning verification letters through the Permit Portal. If you need help setting up an account refer to the Permit Portal Help page.
Note: some fields are required and the request will not advance until something is entered. If you do not have anything to enter in that field, enter a space.
- Select “Create” from the left hand column and “New Application” from the main panel.
- For Application Type Select “Planning and Zoning”
- then “Zoning” then “Zoning Verification and Zoning Compliance”
- then “Certificate of Zoning Compliance”.
- Click “next” at the lower right (you may have to scroll down)
- Find the property you’re inquiring about on the map. You can move the map and click a parcel or enter the address in the search box at the upper right corner of the map. It is not necessary to include the unit number.
- The address of the parcel will pop up in the “selected addresses” box on the right. If more than one address appears, select the ones you do not want and click “Remove Address.”
- When there is only one address on the list scroll down and click “Next.” A box with your selected address and parcel number will pop up. If the address is correct click “Confirm”
- On the People tab under Applicant: this is where the certificate will be sent to. If you want to use the same contact information that you used when you created your portal account, click “Add My Info.” If you need to change anything type over it. Click Next on the lower right.
- If you only want the pdf copy of the certificate the only necessary field is your email address. You can ignore the rest.
- Dashes or parentheses in your phone number may trigger an error warning.
- By default the letter will be addressed to the Texas Department of State Health Services and the Williamson County and Cities Health District. If you are working with a different agency enter its name and address. Click “Next.”
- Upload files: if you wish to add any supporting documentation you can upload it here. Click “Next”
- Confirm that you have read the terms and conditions and click “Submit”
Zoning map
If you do not require a signed letter, you can look up the current zoning of a property using CityView, Round Rock’s internet map server. You may also ask Planning & Development Services staff. There is no charge for this service.
Planned Unit Developments (PUDs)
Copies of all PUDs and amendments are available online. These documents have been edited for length and may not include the entire ordinance adopting the PUD, but do include the entire development agreement.
Future Land Use Map (FLUM) and Comprehensive Plan
O-2020-0175 Future Land Use Map
Planned road improvements
Refer to or contact CIP Program Director Gerald Pohlmeyer at 512-218-5589
Replacement threshold
(Part III Section 2-98: Nonconformities) “In the event that a nonconforming building or structure is damaged more than 50% of its fair market value by fire, act of God etc., repairs and/or replacements must conform to all current regulations of the district in which it is located.”
Zoning and Development Code
O-2018-5865 City of Round Rock Code of Ordinances, Part III Zoning and Development Code
Part III Sec. 1-50: Definitions
Part III Chapter 2: Zoning districts and use regulations
Part III Sec. 2-91: Supplementary use standards
Part III Sec. 2-98: Nonconformities
Part III Chapter 8: Zoning and Development Standards (e.g. off-street parking)
Ch. 8 Article I: Compatibility standards and buffers
Ch. 8 Article II: Landscaping
Ch. 8 Article III: Tree protection and preservation
Ch. 8 Article IV: Fences
Ch. 8 Article V: Screening
Ch. 8 Article VI: Off-street parking and loading
Ch 8 Article VII: Access and circulation
Ch. 8 Article VIII: Outdoor storage and display
Ch. 8 Article IX: Signs
Ch. 8 Article X: Buildings and building regulations