The pre-submittal meeting is an opportunity for the applicant to review all aspects of the project (annexation, zoning, platting, site development, etc.) with review staff, and to ask and questions about items that may be critical to the project’s feasibility. Staff will explain the City’s requirements, identify what additional studies or analyses may be necessary and produce a set of detailed meeting minutes that will be distributed to the applicant within two weeks of the meeting. A pre-submittal meeting is required before any applications may be submitted.
To schedule a pre-submittal meeting, please visit the Permit Portal. If you have any questions you may contact the Planning and Development Services front desk at (512) 218-5428 or Please allow as much lead time as possible to ensure that appropriate staff are available and have time to review any supplementary documents.
- Pre-submittal Meeting Request Form (pdf)
- Future Land Use Map (pdf)
- Due Diligence Guidelines (pdf)
- Development Process
- Development Fees Summary (pdf)
- Atlas 14 Development Scenarios (pdf)
- Roadway Impact Fees
- Residential Options for Downtown Mixed-Use Districts (pdf)
Long-range Plans and Master Plans
- Round Rock 2030: Developing Our Future comprehensive plan (pdf)
Round Rock 2030 website - Downtown Master Plan (adopted 2010) for downtown revitalization
- Playbook 2030: Building a Connected Community (adopted 2018) for open space and parks resources
- Transportation Master Plan
- Transit Master Plan (adopted 2015) for development of a public transit system
- Water Distribution System Master Plan (adopted 2014; update in progress)
- Wastewater System Master Plan (adopted 2014; update in progress)
- Stormwater Management Program (adopted 2014; updated 2019)
- Utility Profile and Water Conservation Plan for Municipal and Wholesale Water Use (adopted 2019)
- Municipal Annexation Plan adopted in 1999 (pdf)
Deed and easement research
Refer to the Subdivision Platting page for additional information.
Plat applications may be submitted to PDS by noon on the submittal days specified in the schedule adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission, which reflects state statutory approval requirements. Late, early, and incomplete applications will not be accepted.
To submit a plat application, please visit the Permit Portal. If you have questions regarding the plat submittal process, contact Cecilia Chapa at 512-671-2727.
Application information packets
- Concept Plan Packet (pdf)
- Preliminary Plat Packet (pdf)
- Final Plat Packet (pdf)
- Minor Plat Packet (pdf)
- Subdivision Replat Packet (pdf)
- Amending Plat Packet (pdf)
- Plat Vacation application packet (pdf)
- Planning and Zoning Commission 2024 meeting and submittal schedule (pdf)
- Presubmittal Meeting Request Form (pdf)
- TIA Flow Chart(pdf)
- Memo: Platting in Round Rock’s ETJ (pdf)
- Roadway Impact Fee
Plat Recordation
PDS will check the recordation materials for completeness and bring the plat to and from the county clerk. Expect five to ten days for the County to record the plat. Final plats must be recorded before they expire (two years after approval).
- Plat Recordation information packet (pdf)
- Subdivision Recordation Fees (Williamson County) (pdf)
- Subdivision Recordation (Travis County)
- Easement Dedication packet (pdf)
- Easement Release packet (pdf)
- Encroachment Agreement packet (pdf)
- Donation Deed application information packet (pdf)
- Easement note for plats (Word)
Pre-submittal meeting
The pre-submittal meeting is an opportunity for the applicant to review all aspects of the project (annexation, zoning, platting, site development, etc.) with review staff, and to ask and questions about items that may be critical to the project’s feasibility. Staff will explain the City’s requirements, identify what additional studies or analyses may be necessary and produce a set of detailed meeting minutes that will be distributed to the applicant within two weeks of the meeting. A pre-submittal meeting is required before any applications may be submitted.
To schedule a pre-submittal meeting, please visit the Permit Portal. If you have any questions you may contact the Planning and Development Services front desk at (512) 218-5428 or Please allow as much lead time as possible to ensure that appropriate staff are available and have time to review any supplementary documents.
Plats in the ETJ
If the proposed subdivision is outside City Limits and annexation is not proposed, please review the Platting in Round Rock’s ETJ Memo for additional County requirements.
Public hearings
Staff reports will indicate whether the project conforms to existing regulations and policies; it is the responsibility of the applicant to represent/advocate for the project to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the public. It is highly advisable for the applicant to meet with potentially affected property owners and homeowners associations before the public hearing.
Subdivision improvements
If the proposed plat includes subdivision improvements, they must be completed or secured before the final plat can be recorded. For further information about subdivision improvements or posting fiscal security to record a plat, contact the Planning and Development Services desk at (512) 218-5428.
Plat expiration
- A concept plan expires after three years and may not be extended.
- A preliminary plat expires after two years, but for phased subdivisions may be extended up to three years from the latest approved final plat.
- A final plat expires two years after approval, but in certain cases may be extended if subdivision improvement plans have been accepted.
Note: Each submittal of a subdivision improvement permit application will be reviewed by staff on a 20-business day deadline.
- Refer to the Subdivision Improvements page for additional information.
- Use the Site Permit Status page to follow the progress of Site Development Permits (SDPs) and Subdivision Improvement Permits (SIPs).
The City of Round Rock provides a subdivision improvement permit packet (pdf) that provides the procedural information, checklists, and forms necessary for obtaining a subdivision improvement permit through the Planning and Development Services Department (PDS).
- Letter of Transmittal (pdf)
- Water and Wastewater Availability Request Form (jotform)
- Performance Bond Form for Subdivision Improvements (pdf)
- SIP Fee Payment Form (pdf) Oversize Fee, Regional Detention Fee, Subdivision Inspection Fee
- Roadway Impact Fee info
- New – TxDOT ROW Access Permit Application (pdf)
Design References
- General Guidelines and Notes (pdf)
- Construction Summary Table (pdf)
- City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards (DACS)
- City of Round Rock Standard Construction Details
- City of Round Rock Utilities Standard Products List water, wastewater and drainage products
- Wastewater Capacity Analysis Packet (pdf) and Wastewater Capacity Analysis Example (xlsx)
- Deceleration Lane Design and Presentation Standards (pdf)
- Atlas 14 Development Scenarios (pdf)
Per the requirements of the Zoning and Development Code, the developer is responsible for constructing subdivision improvements (streets, water, wastewater and drainage) to serve each lot. The plan review, construction inspection, and fiscal posting process are coordinated through the Project Closeout Coordinator.
To post fiscal to guarantee construction of subdivision improvements instead of constructing them prior to plat recordation, contact Savina McCarter at 512-341-3161 or Download the approved Performance Bond Form or Letter of Credit. Cash is not accepted.
Note: Preliminary SDP submittals will be reviewed on a 15-business day deadline. Full submittals will be reviewed on a 20-business day deadline.
Refer to the Site Development page for additional information.
- Use the Site Permit Status page to follow the progress of Site Development Permits (SDPs) and Subdivision Improvement Permits (SIPs).
Application information
- Site Development Permit (SDP) and Small Site Permit (SSP) application packet (pdf)
- Wireless Transmission Facilities (WTF) Permit application packet (pdf)
- License Agreement application packet (pdf)
- Letter of Transmittal (pdf)
- Water and Wastewater Availability Request Form (jotform)
- Tree Mitigation Calculations Template (Excel)
- Landscape Requirements Chart (Excel)
- Landscaping and Underground Utility Easements Policy (pdf)
- New – Landscaping, Irrigation and Screening (pdf) adopted 2/12/25
- Tree Technical Manual (pdf)
- Roadway Impact Fees
- TxDOT ROW Access Permit Application (pdf)
- Easement Dedication packet (pdf)
- Easement Release packet (pdf)
- Encroachment Agreement packet (pdf)
Design References
- General Guidelines and Notes (pdf)
- Construction Summary Table (pdf)
- City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards (DACS)
- City of Round Rock Standard Construction Details
- City of Round Rock Utilities Standard Products List water, wastewater and drainage products
- Wastewater Capacity Analysis Packet (pdf) and Wastewater Capacity Analysis Example (Excel)
- Deceleration Lane Design and Presentation Standards (pdf)
- Atlas 14 Development Scenarios (pdf)
The City of Round Rock provides a site development permit packet (pdf) that provides the procedural information, checklists, and forms necessary for obtaining site development permit approval through the Planning and Development Services Department (PDS).
The plans provided on behalf of the developer will be reviewed by PDS staff to ensure conformance with City Ordinances and policies, the Design and Construction Standards (DACS), previously submitted schematics, and generally accepted engineering standards.
PDS will also ensure that proposed landscaping and/or hardscape features do not conflict with existing or proposed easements and utilities.
The Planning and Development Services Office coordinates the closeout of all site development and subdivision improvement permit. This includes acceptance of all public improvements constructed within easements and rights-of-way within the City.
During the pre-construction meeting, the PDS Permit Closeout Coordinator will schedule the closeout meeting based on the estimated completion date. This meeting will typically take place 30 – 60 days prior to the estimated completion date. This meeting can be scheduled by contacting Savina McCarter at (512) 341-3161 or
It is important to make sure that Planning and Development Services is provided any updated contact information to ensure that notifications are being sent to the correct individuals.
This meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams or at the Planning & Development Services Department in the McConico Building at 301 W Bagdad Ave, Suite 210, Round Rock, TX. A meeting link will be sent by the closeout coordinator.
At the conclusion of the closeout meeting, all development representatives will receive a checklist of items required to close out the project.
Financial Forms
- Performance Bond for Subdivision Improvements (pdf)
- Performance Bond for Incomplete Sitework (pdf)
- Letter of Credit in Lieu of Maintenance Bond (pdf)
- Letter of Credit in Lieu of Performance Bond (pdf)
- Letter of Credit in Lieu of Temporary CO (pdf)
- Fee Payment Form (pdf)
- Maintenance Bond (Warranty for Improvements Acceptance) (pdf)
- Affidavit of Bills Paid (pdf)
- Warranty Letter-Owner (pdf)
Miscellaneous Forms
- Easement Dedication Packet (pdf)
- Letter of Transmittal (pdf)
- Survey Control Point Description Form (Benchmark) (pdf) updated 9/22/22
- Water and Wastewater Availability Request Form (pdf)
- Landscape Inspection Checklist (pdf)
Sample Letters
- Developer to City Letter (pdf)
- Cost Letter for 1-Year Maintenance Bond (please attach cost and quantities) (pdf)
- Cost Letter for 2-Year Maintenance Bond (please attach cost and quantities) (pdf)
- Cost Letter – Performance Bond (please attach cost and quantities) (pdf)
- Engineer’s Concurrence Letter (pdf)
- Engineer to Developer Letter (pdf)
- Geotechnical Engineers Concurrence Letter (pdf)
- Landscape Architect Concurrence Letter (pdf)
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
- Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Application (pdf)
- Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Extension Application (pdf)
- Owner Affidavit (pdf)
Drought Policy
- Revegetation policy
- Request a delay of revegetation (pdf)
- Performance Bond for revegetation, landscape and irrigation improvements (pdf)
- Easement Dedication packet (pdf)
- Easement Release packet (pdf)
- Encroachment Agreement packet (pdf)
Related applications
- Annexation
- Zoning and PUDs
- Building Permits & Inspection
- Sign and Banner Permits
- Certificates of Appropriateness (Historic Preservation)
Technical references
- City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards (DACS)
- City of Round Rock Standard Construction Details
- City of Round Rock Utilities Standard Products List water, wastewater and drainage products
- Survey Control Point Description Form (pdf) updated 9/22/22
- Landscaping and Underground Utility Easements Policy (pdf)
- Tree Technical Manual (pdf)
- Deceleration Lane Design and Presentation Standards (pdf)
- Atlas 14 Development Scenarios (pdf)
- New – TxDOT ROW Access Permit Application (pdf)
- PDS Fees Summary (pdf) updated August 2023
- Subdivision Recordation Fees (Williamson County) (pdf)
- Subdivision Recordation Fees (Travis County)
- Subdivision Inspection/Regional
- Detention/Oversize Line (pdf)
- Building Permit, Inspection and Impact Fees
- Roadway Impact Fee
Master Plans and Area Plans
- Future Land Use Map (pdf)
- Round Rock 2030: Developing Our Future (pdf) comprehensive plan
Round Rock 2030 website - Downtown Master Plan (pdf)
- Game Plan 2020 (Parks and Recreation Master Plan – scroll down)
- Trails Master Plan (pdf)
- Transportation Master Plan
- Transit Master Plan (adopted 2015)
- Water Master Plan Map (pdf) updated May 2012
- Wastewater Master Plan Map (pdf) updated May 2012