General Neighborhood Cleanup Guidelines
All items must be out by 7 a.m. the day of the pickup. You can begin placing items out as early as one week before the cleanup, but items placed after 7 am will not be picked up and will be the resident’s responsibility.
Please do not block the sidewalk when placing items out for pick up. Items may be placed in the street. Do not park in front of a pile on pickup day.
See below for our cleanup guidelines to make sure that brush and trash are put out at the curb correctly.
Brush Cleanup Guidelines
When discarding brush and other items please make two separate piles. One for brush and one for everything else. Brush is recycled at a different facility and turned into mulch. No trash or treated wood (fencematerials, lumber, trash bags or loose trash) can be in the brush pile.
Brush piles must have 5 feet of clearance on all sides and free from obstructions 15 feet tall (power lines and trees). Do not place brush piles within 5 feet of mail boxes, poles, trees, parked cars, or the bulk trash pile. The brush pile may not exceed 15 feet in length. Failure to follow the guidelines will result in the resident being responsible for the removal.
Brush piles with bulk trash mixed in will be skipped and will be the resident’s responsibility to remove.
What can be discarded during a cleanup
- Non-Freon appliances (washer, dryer, stove etc.) Please provide 2 feet of side clearance for appliances.
- Carpeting
- Furniture
- Scrap metal (must be less than 4’ long)
- Treated wood (fence materials), remove all nails, screws and hardware. All wooden planks must be 4’ or less in length.
- Mattresses
- Tree limbs *Please note special instructions below*
– Limbs must not exceed 8” in diameter
– Limbs must not exceed 15’ in length
– No palm tree or cacti limbs will be accepted
– Bamboo must be bundled
What can't be discarded during a cleanup
All of the bulk trash that is picked up goes to the Williamson County landfill. This means the following items cannot be picked up:
- Freon appliances (refrigerators, freezers, air conditioner units)
- Televisions and computers (contact local appliance recyclers)
- Automotive products/fluids (accepted at Recycling Center)
- Paint (accepted at Recycling Center. Please refer to the link below for drop off times and criteria).
- Hazardous chemicals (accepted at Recycling Center)
- Demolition/construction debris or metal fencing
- Tires
- Batteries, ammunition or explosives
- Concrete or rocks
- Railroad tie lumber
- Pianos, hot tubs, motorcycles or items larger than a normal size appliance
Visit the Recycle Center web page to learn more about what you can take to the facility.
Please do NOT drop off materials. The City conducts monthly HHW Collection Events for residents to bring household chemicals for safe disposal.
Contact if you have any questions.
Options for items not eligible for disposal at a cleanup
The following resources are listed for informational purposes only. City of Round Rock does not endorse any of these entities nor their services:
- Batteries – non-rechargeable alkaline batteries – Can safely be disposed of with normal household waste. Please visit for disposal tips. Rechargeable batteries (nickel cadmium, lithium hydride, nickel metal hydride and lead/acid [vehicle batteries]) are accepted at the Recycling Center.
- CFLs – CFLs are accepted at home improvement stores
- Commercial oil – Fuel Blenders, 512-365-1920; H&H Waste Oil or any other commercial oil recycler
- Electronics – TVs – Texas Recycles TVs Program
- Electronics – Computers, etc. – Texas Recycles Computers Program; Consumer Technology Association; MRM E-Recycling Management
- Freon appliances: Hutto Recycling Center (located at Wm County Landfill); or Round Rock Refuse
- Glass – Glass is accepted with your Curbside Recycling.
- Sharps – (1) TCEQ Tips for Disposal of Syringes from Households or (2) Sharps Compliance, Inc.
- Tires – Wal-Mart Automotive, Discount Tire, NTB or any other tire dealership
- Vehicles – Vehicles For Veterans is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit vehicle donation program benefiting disabled veterans. They provide donors with free towing and a tax deduction.
Garbage, lumber, rocks and landscape material, mattresses, old furniture may be taken to the Williamson County Landfill located in Hutto.