Standalone Building Permits



This page is intended for General Contractors. If you are a homeowner, please refer to the Homeowner page for information. 

Standalone (Trade) Permits

Permits that are not part of a larger project such as a remodel or new build.

How to Submit a Building Permit Application

Create an account and/or log in to our Permit Portal (online permitting software) at

Commercial Trade: Below is a guide on how to apply 
  • Click Create New Application (top right-hand corner of the dashboard)
  • New Application
  • Add Project Name
  • Select Application Type*
    • Building Inspection Services 
      • Commercial Trade Permits –> Choose one of the four trades 
          • Choose New  OR  Remodel  OR  Repair 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next
Residential Trade: Below is a guide on how to apply
  • Click Create New Application (top right-hand corner of the dashboard)
  • New Application
  • Add Project Name
  • Select Application Type*
    • Building Inspection Services
      • Residential Trade Permits –> Choose one of the four trades
        • Choose New  OR  Remodel  OR  Repair 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next
Permit Fee:
  • Residential Permit Fee $50.00
  • Commercial Permit Fee: Based on valuation (see fee table below)
  • We accept E-check, Visa, and Mastercard via the permit portal

Estimated permit issuance is three to five (3-5) business days from date of application acceptance. 
You will receive a notification once the permit has been issued. The permit becomes invalid if the authorized work or construction is not commenced within six months.

Inspection process:
  • An inspection is required when pulling a permit with the City of Round Rock.
  • Inspections must be requested by 4 p.m. for the following business day, but availability is not guaranteed.
  • Inspections for residential HVAC & water heater replacements are conducted between 8 am and 12 pm.  An adult 18 years or older must be present. 
  • All other residential & commercial trade inspections are conducted Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Electrical upgrades and/or replacements will require a torque letter to be uploaded to the permit application. The letter must include the master’s license number and his signature. 

Two inspections of the same type are included in the permit fee. After the second failed inspection of the same type, a $75 re-inspection fee will be assessed for each additional inspection and must be paid before scheduling the final inspection.

The following fee schedule shows the amount due at time of submittal for permits.

Project Valuation
Commercial Permit Fee
Base fee
Per additional $1,000 or fraction thereof

Up to $2,000




$2,001 – $15,000

$50 for first $2,000



$15,001 – $50,000

$180 for first $15,000



$50,001 – $100,000

$425 for first $50,000



$100,001 – $500,000

$675 for first $100,000



$500,001 and up

$1875 for first $500,000




Inspection Services Division Office
512-218-5550 – Office Hours: 7:00 am – 4:00 pm

James Shine, Chief Building Official 512-218-5550
Jorge Scott, Assistant Building Official 512-218-5550 

Intake Staff:  512-218-5550 
Isabella Morales, Commercial Development Technician 512-218-5551
Jennifer Esparza, Residential Development Technician 512-671-2889

Building Plan Examiners:
: Walter Holbert, 512-671-2763
Residential: Jorge Scott ABO, 512-218-5550

Commercial Inspectors:
Bryan Fails, Chief Plumbing Inspector 512-845-6249
Jimmy Spencer, Chief Electrical Inspector 512-470-9507
Amos Harrison, Chief Structural Inspector 512-639-0218
Josh Patterson, 737-320-9127
Lance Musslewhite, 737-340-7822

Residential Inspectors:
Ferdinand Abadiano, 512-568-7829
Joshua Gonzales, 512-639-3050
Paul Moran, 512-688-9024
Jake Morrison, 737-376-0954
Arnold Castro Lopez, 737-775-6703

Civil Inspectors
Matt Krueger, Chief Civil Inspector 512-748-9092
Chris Cervenka, 512-639-6760
George Grondin, 512-639-9497
Lane Imken, 512-647-0807
Riley Pekar, 737-349-53396 
Taylor Hutchens, 737-397-4902

Certificates of Appropriateness are required before the issuance of a Building Permit.

Properties required to undergo historic review are identified with Historic Overlay Zoning. Alterations to all structures or sites with Historic Overlay Zoning require a Certificate of Appropriateness before the issuance of a building permit. Historic review applies to all structures on a site, including fences and accessory structures.

Preservation staff are available to discuss projects on all historic-age properties (even those without historic overlay zoning) and can provide technical references that are available to help avoid damage. Contact the Planning and Development Services desk at 512-218-5428 to discuss alterations to a historic property and/or the Certificate of Appropriateness process.

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