Please allow four (4) business days prior to contacting the court regarding a citation. The officer is required to file the charges with the court office before a clerk can assist you in processing your case.
Appearance Options
Your appearance date is noted on the citation. The law requires you (or your attorney) to make an appearance in your case, but there are different ways to do that.
If you choose to take advantage of one of the options below prior to your appearance date, appearance in court on the date shown on your citation will be waived.
- Pay in person with a plea of no contest or guilty. Acceptable forms of payment – personal Master Card/VISA, cash, money order or Cashier’s check.
- Request a driving safety course. Must provide your valid driver’s license, printed current proof of insurance and remit payment of court costs.
- Request dismissal of expired violations and defective equipment violations.
- Payment with money order or Cashier’s check with plea of no contest or guilty.
- Request driving safety course prior to appearance date on citation. Failure to postmark required documents prior to appearance date may (by law) result in a denial of this option.
- Request dismissal for expired violations and defective equipment violations.
- This option is available 24 hours every day.
- Online at https:/ using your citation number.
- By phone at 877-825-4416
- NOTE: If appearing before the Judge, the time allocated for your visit will vary according to how many other defendants appear on that date and time, and the order in which you checked in with the bailiff. The check-in process begins at 8:00 am and court starts at 9:00 am. Total time could be several hours.
- If you choose to plead Not Guilty, you will have an opportunity to speak with the Prosecutor to discuss your case. If the case cannot be resolved at this hearing, you will be set for a Pre-Trial hearing at a future date.
- This option is available 24 hours every day.
- Use the silver door to deposit documents or payment. The black box contains envelopes for your convenience.
Courtroom Rules of Attire and Conduct
Courtroom Do's
- Dress appropriately
- Be on time
- Park vehicles responsibly
- Be respectful to all court personnel
- Monitor children
- Silence cell phones and pagers
Courtroom Don'ts
- Bring food or drinks into the court
- Bring weapons, drugs or alcohol
- Talk loudly in the courtroom
- Answer cell phones while court is in session