Budget FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

The City of Round Rock’s adopted budget for FY 2025 (Oct. 1, 2024, to Sept. 30, 2025) is $682.2 million. View the proposed FY 2025 Budget Book at www.roundrocktexas.gov/budget.

Fiscal Year 2025  (Oct. 2024-Sept. 2025)  
Total Adopted Budget $682.2 million
General Fund $179.7 million
Total Community Investment Program (CIP) $357.9 million
All Other* $144.6 million
Fiscal Year 2024 (Oct. 2023-Sept. 2024)   
Total Revised Budget with Actuals $544.2 million
General Fund $163.4 million
Total Community Investment Program (CIP) $236.5 million
All Other* $144.3 million

*Includes Water and Wastewater Utility, Hotel Occupancy Tax, Stormwater, Type B (transportation and economic development sales tax), and other special revenue fun

The City’s adopted budget for FY 2025 is $682.2 million, but only 13% of that will come from property taxes.

On Aug. 8, 2024, City Council proposed a max tax rate of 36.0 cents per $100 of valuation for Fiscal Year 2025. At this rate, the owner of a median taxable value home of $376,169 on average would pay $113 per month in City taxes, which is an increase of $8.94 per month over the previous year’s rate.

The Fiscal Year 2025 adopted rate is higher than the “no new revenue” rate of 33.1 cents, which would raise the same amount of revenue as last year on existing property based on this year’s property valuations. The additional 2.9 cents is needed to pay for additional public safety positions, competitive pay programs, and other voter-approved bond projects, including debt service.

At the adopted rate, the owner of a median taxable value home of $376,169 on average would pay $113 per month in City taxes, which is an increase of $8.94 per month over the previous year’s rate.

The City’s General Fund is funded by three types of revenues: property tax, sales tax and other revenue sources.

Property Tax: Single family homeowners will pay $34.1 million in City property taxes in FY 2025, just 20% of the total General Fund budget. Property taxes help cover many of the City’s core services including police, fire, transportation, parks and recreation and the library. 

Sales Tax: For every $100 in purchases by visitors, residents, and businesses, the City collects $2 in sales tax revenues. The General Fund gets $1.50 and the remaining 50 cents goes to the Type B Fund to pay for roads and economic development. Round Rock’s unique mix of destination shopping and corporate headquarters generates sales tax revenues that help reduce the property tax burden.

Other: Over 100 different revenue sources make up the remainder of General Fund revenues including fees for the City’s many recreation programs, building permits, and other services.

Visit www.roundrocktexas.gov/budget for a timeline of upcoming public meetings related to the budget.

You can also leave a comment on the City’s social media or email the City Council at citycouncil@roundrocktexas.gov.

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