Media Relations



Media Relations

City Media Relations

The Communications and Marketing Department handles media relations for most City departments by facilitating media events, connecting reporters with expert sources for stories and maintaining the news section of the City’s website.

Contact the Communications and Marketing Director

Sara Bustilloz
Communications and
Marketing Director

Police Department Media Relations

The Public Information Specialist handles media relations for the City of Round Rock Police Department.

Contact the Police Public Information Specialist

Headshot of Melanie Forcier

Melanie Forcier
Public Information Specialist – Police Department

Social Media

Follow the City’s social media to stay up-to-date on City of Round Rock information and stories. Watch our Twitter account during City Council meetings for live highlights as they happen. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA >

City Blogs

Heart-warming stories, in-depth analysis and helpful tidbits all find their home on the City of Round Rock’s Quarry blog. READ THE QUARRY >


Sign up for the City’s e-newsletter to get regular updates on Round Rock news, events and more. NEWSFLASH SIGN UP >

Round Rock TV

All City of Round Rock videos are archived on the City’s YouTube CHANNEL >

City Council Meetings

The Round Rock Replay system allows citizens and other interested parties to view public meetings live. On archived videos, the system includes chapter markers at each agenda point as well as a comprehensive search to allow users to skip hours of video to see just the information they want. WATCH COUNCIL MEETINGS >

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How are we doing with the new City website? Your feedback and comments are appreciated. 

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