Cuteness Overload!: March 27-May 2, 2025 (preview March 26th, 6pm-8p)

Featuring nearly 70 works by local and area artists, the City Arts Center celebrates adorable art in all of its forms, from cuddly to creepy-cute, in its “Cuteness Overload!” exhibit.
Come preview the exhibit when we resume our extended Wednesday night hours on March 26th, from 6pm-8pm. Then enjoy the exhibit five days a week, including Saturdays, from March 27-May 2, 2025.
Some works revel in being endearing and carefree, some relate personal stories, while still others are weird-cute. Screen-printing artist Oddmean (Armin Alaniz) re-imagines Frankenstein as a sweet Valentine; mixed media artist Tracie Storie depicts Round Rock legend, The Hairy Man in an imaginary wedding to Mary Ann of Gilligan’s Island; musician-assemblage artist Jonny Pearson creates a cast of characters in 3D, including am “interdimensional disco prom queen”; and Jessica Hickman shows how abstract art can be cute too. An assortment of techniques, mediums, subject matter, and styles are included in this 2D and 3D exhibit, including, screen-printed poster art, Polaroid photography, fused glass, dioramas, fiber art, ceramics, manga, mixed media, and more!
2025 Exhibit Calendar
January 9-March 8
- Shutterbuggin’: Celebrating Local Lenses
- Black History Month Spotlight: Illustrations by Modesto Rosario
- Digital display 1: Pixel Panorama: Virtual exhibit of photography
- Digital display 2: Animation by CJ Crowder
- Cyanotypes and analog cameras by Amy Jasek
March 13-March 21
- Better and Better: Celebrating the life and art of Nelda Sheets
- Digital display 1: 75 works by Nelda Sheets
March 27-May 2, 2025
- Cuteness Overload!: An adorable and weird-cute art exhibit
May 8-July 3
- Sonic Vision: How music is the soundtrack of our lives
July 10-September 6
- Artists at Work: Spotlight on creative City of Round Rock employees
September 11-November 22
- Game On: Art Inspired by video games
Upcoming Events in the City Arts Center
All are invited: February 14, 2025, from 6pm-8pm at the City Arts Center
This is a chance to see our exhibits, meet the artists, ask them how they do what they do, and get inspired to take your creative skills to the next level, even with yes, your cell phone camera! Be sure to take your selfies against the backdrop of the Cyanotype Selfie Wall too! Complimentary refreshments, charcuterie table, and Brazilian chocolates will be provided.
Exhibits being celebrated at this reception:
- Black History Month Artist Spotlight: Graphite illustrations by Modesto Rosario
- Shutterbuggin’, celebrating local lenses
- Pixel Panorama: Virtual exhibit watchable in the gallery
- Cyanotypes and vintage cameras from the collection of Amy Jasek
- Animation by CJ Crowder
Hosted by the Sheets family, this reception will honor the life and art of artist Nelda Sheets. All are invited. This reception will take place in the City Arts Center, where her exhibit, “Better and Better” is on view from March 13-22, 2025. Reception will be held on March 22, 2025 from 2pm-4pm. Refreshments will be served.
Celebrate adorable and weird cute with us at this exhibit of local and area artists on Wednesday, April 23, from 6-8pm. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served. For added fun, our exhibit reception will be concurrent to our Music on Main event taking place in the plaza adjacent to our gallery!
Come meet the artists who contributed works to this exhibit about art inspired by music. Our event is free and open to the public on Wednesday, June 18th, from 6pm-8pm. For added fun, our exhibit reception will be concurrent to our Music on Main event taking place in the plaza adjacent to our gallery!
Meet the faces behind so many different City of Round Rock departments and who are creative in their jobs and off duty too! Our event is free and open to the public.
Let’s celebrate the artists who created works in all styles and forms for this exhibit. Our event is free and open to the public.

Call for Art | Exhibit Opportunties/Apply to be in an exhibit
We love to show off talented local and area artists. If you wish to be considered for an exhibit, we invite you to fill out an online application for an upcoming Call for Art. All out-of-the-box creativity is encouraged. Please note: There is no fee to apply.
Interested artists: Please click below for online applications to each exhibit.
ALL ARE WELCOME: All first-time, new, emerging and professional artists, ages 16 and up, are welcome to apply with this no-fee Call for Art application. All 2D and 3D artwork welcome.
How is music an inspiration, the subject matter of, or the motivator during your creative process? We’re looking for art inspired in some way by music for this exhibit. Out-of-the-box responses to this Call for Art are encouraged.
Click here for artist guidelines and online application for the “Sonic Vision” exhibit opportunity.
If you are a City of Round Rock employee, we are looking for you and your art!
Click here for guidelines and online application.
The City Arts Center is part of the City of Round Rock Arts and Culture. Throughout other City departments, artists abound! Our creative workplace includes photographers, painters, poets, milliners, graphic designers, digital artists, mixed media artists, sculptors, ceramicists, and all sorts of creatives working in myriad visual art forms and styles. We’re proudly want to show off all of the creative people that work for our City of Round Rock departments! All out of the box thinking is welcome!
ALL MEDIA 2D AND 3D: We are looking for artwork in two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms for our upcoming exhibit. There is no fee to apply, and you do not need to have previous art exhibit experience to apply. If you have questions about how to apply, or how to prepare your art for exhibition, we are here to help you.
ALL CITY OF ROUND ROCK EMPLOYEES ARE WELCOME: We welcome artists at all levels, all mediums, all styles! If you want to work as a team on an artwork, collaboration is welcome too! This Call for Art is limited to City of Round Rock employees.
Click here for guidelines and online application. No fee to apply.
All are welcome!
We’re looking for artwork in all two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms for this upcoming exhibit in the City Arts Center. All first-time exhibitors, new, emerging and professional artists, ages 16 and up, are welcome to apply with this no-fee Call for Art application.
All out-of-the-box thinking is encouraged!
How are you and how is your art inspired by video games? Or, could you be inspired by video games to make your art? Think creatively and present works through this application in any type of media. All “out of the box” thinking is welcome so that the resulting exhibit has diverse creative expression!
ALL MEDIA 2D AND 3D: We’d love to see sculptors, fiber artists, illustrators, graphic designers, digital artists, photographers, pastel artists, painters, embroiderers, mixed media artists, fused glass artists, ceramicists, graphic designers, manga artists, fashion designers, printmaking artists, and all types of artists not listed here show is how video game imagery, culture, and style has or can inspire their work in other mediums.
NO FEE TO APPLY: There is no fee to apply for our City Arts Center Call for Art, however if your art sells during the exhibition, we will deduct a 20% commission.
For artist guidelines and our no-fee application, please click here.
In addition to opportunities inside of the City Arts Center, we also invite visual artists to get themselves out of the gallery setting and present/sell their art at our Round Rock PopUp Art Shows. This is a free opportunity from the City of Round Rock Arts and Culture.
Spring 2025 update: We have scheduled our Spring 2025 season of artists for the Round Rock PopUp Art Shows, but email us to get on our Round Rock Arts and Culture email newsletter listing for announcements about future opportunities.
Pick With Austin Partnership

The City Arts Center serves as a welcoming pickup/drop off point for the local mental health awareness nonprofit Pick With Austin (http://pickwithaustin.com).
Connect directly with Pick With Austin to inquire about its no-fee instrument program, or stop by the gallery to see if we have an instrument on display that might be of use to you. A goal of this nonprofit is to help youth through the gift of music, by way of no-fee instruments and musical equipment. Have an instrument to donate? Bring it to the gallery, and we’ll pass it along to the nonprofit organization for you.
We Welcome You!
The City Arts Center is a public space where you can savor art in welcoming environment. In other words, we are an unpretentious and inviting space for you to recharge yourself by checking out local creativity! For local and area artists, we invite you to scroll above to see what Call for Art exhibit opportunities that might be of interest to you and your creativity! We are welcoming of artists at all stages of their careers, from the very first time one has exhibited, along with new, emerging, and professional artists.
Who are we? The City Arts Center is staffed and managed by the City of Round Rock Arts and Culture.
Looking Back
This same address was previously an art gallery, where so much creativity was shared…and now, as the City Arts Center, we have so much talent to share with you! We look forward to meeting you upon your next visit to our art gallery!

The City Arts Center
Main number: 512-341-3113
Fred Cooley
Arts and Culture Receptionist
737-775-4870 (Cell)
5512-671-2884 (Office)
Christina Rudofsky
Arts and Culture Associate
512-801-0698 (Cell)
512-218-3298 (Office)
The City Arts Center
231 East Main Street, Suite 160
Round Rock, TX 78664
- Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.
- Wednesdays: 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
- Saturday: 10 a.m.- 3 p.m.
- Please note: We will be closed briefly on 3/25-26 to install new exhibit, re-opening 3/26 at 6pm-8pm with a preview of our new exhibit.