
The Round Rock Public Library proudly serves its dynamic and growing community by providing high quality resources, services, and programs.

The Round Rock Public Library is committed to providing a safe, clean, and welcoming building that is conducive to study, reading, and the legitimate use of library materials and services. We strive to deliver prompt, accurate, and courteous information and services. In order to provide the best possible experience for all our visitors, we ask that you comply with the Library’s Code of Conduct.

Any behavior that disrupts the orderly use of the library or that affects the staff’s ability to provide service is strictly prohibited. Disruptive behavior is defined as any loud, boisterous, profane, or threatening behavior which is inappropriate in an institution established to promote quiet study, reading, and the use of library materials. Library staff are authorized to enforce these regulations and require patrons who do not comply to leave the library premises. If improper behavior continues, the police will be summoned, and library privileges may be suspended or revoked. This list is not exhaustive; it is provided to give examples of behavior inappropriate in the library and is addressed below:

  1. Patrons are allowed to eat in our 1st floor café area, consisting of metal chairs and tables directly in front of our main entrance. Patrons are also allowed to eat in the 2nd floor Discovery Garden area. Please dispose trash properly. Drink from covered cups, soda cans or water bottles, consume responsibly and dispose trash properly.
  2. Maintain an environment free from alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Smoking is prohibited within five feet of the library entrance. Tobacco use includes cigarettes, cigars, pipes, rolling tobacco, snuff, tobacco substitutes, chewing or spit tobacco, or any type of electronic smoking device. Persons appearing to be intoxicated or on drugs will be required to leave.
  3. Please keep noise on the third floor to a polite level so as to not disturb other patrons. Use your cell phone on regular setting, not speaker. 
  4. Loud, abusive, or vulgar language that is disturbing to patrons and staff will not be tolerated.
  5. Keep your personal items with you at all times.
  6. Bring only certified service animals into the building.
  7. Shoes are required in the library. Wet swimsuits will not be allowed in the library as they may stain or damage the furniture. All customers must wear shirts.
  8. Recreational devices such as skateboards, shoes with wheels, roller skates, roller blades, bicycles, and scooters are prohibited except in designated areas.
  9. Physical, verbal, or sexual harassment of staff, visitors, volunteers and patrons will not be tolerated.
  10. Soliciting, panhandling, and proselytizing will not be permitted.
  11. Treat people and property with respect; use spaces and resources appropriately. Shelving, equipment, and traditional furniture should not be moved. Sitting on tables, desks, carrels, or bookstacks is not permitted.
  12. Running, lying on the floor, sleeping, and climbing on furniture and equipment is not permitted.
  13. Number of occupancy must be followed for study and meeting rooms. Additional seating or furniture will not be permitted.

 The collection of the Round Rock Public Library is developed to meet the tastes and needs of the average resident. Funds are inadequate to create and maintain collections that duplicate the area school and university collections, unless such materials also support the average adult resident. Technical material, or material of an extremely narrow interest, will not usually be considered for ordering. Likewise, such donations will not likely be retained. If there is a need for a specific title or a very narrow subject range, the customer will be directed to use interlibrary loan.

3.1 Selection Criteria

Judgments of subject specialists, professionally trained librarians, and qualified book reviewers in national and international magazines provide a balance of opinion as the basis for selection. Though a variety of criteria is used for each subject area, the final decision is based on the value of the material to the library and its public, regardless of the personal taste and opinions of the selectors. These standards apply equally to materials purchased, requested for inclusion, and accepted as gifts. Certain general criteria are as follows:

  • The author’s significance as a writer and/or reputation as an authority on the topic.
  • Importance of the subject matter to the collection.
  • Comparison to other works in the field.
  • Scarcity of material on the subject.
  • Timeliness or permanence of the work.
  • Appearance of title in special bibliographies or indexes.
  • Reputation of the publisher.
  • Authoritativeness.
  • Availability of material elsewhere in the area.
  • Price.
  • Format.
  • Attractiveness or appropriate binding which can be reinforced to withstand public use.
  • Currency of information.

The collection may include:

  • Works of recognized authors, within the realm of each author’s specific contribution, regardless of his moral or political reputation.
  • Works of potential historical significance, regardless of political, scientific, or social variance.
  • Audio/Visual materials that have educational or entertainment value.

Excluded from selection:

  • Textbooks and curriculum-related works unless they are considered useful to the general reader.
  • Scholarly and technical materials that are carried by academic or special libraries.
  • Workbooks that encourage filling in blanks.
  • Self-published works. Works published by residents of Williamson/Travis Counties can be donated to our Local Author collection. Ask staff for more information and a submission form.
  • Collector items, such as rare books. The library does not have the resources or staff necessary for the development, maintenance, and display of this kind of a collection.
  • Video games for video game consoles. The library does not have the financial resources to maintain a current video game collection for each of the popular video game consoles.

3.2 Special Aspects of Materials Selection

There are five types of materials acquisitions which are not initiated by library staff. These include patron suggestions, used item donations, monetary gifts, memorials and honorariums, and presentations.

Patrons may suggest that a particular item be purchased. If the suggested item meets the collection development guidelines and if there is sufficient funds, such items will be purchased. Patrons need to review the instructions and make a purchase suggestion. Please limit suggestions to three per month.

used item donation is material which has been used by someone previously. Receipts are given if the donor asks for one. Donors are responsible for recording donations and estimating the value of the materials. The donor will be informed that the material will possibly be added to the collection, used as a prize, placed in the book sale or given away. Items which do not meet the book selection criteria will be rejected.

Monetary gifts are cash donations. The donor may specify the types of material he wishes the library to obtain. Checks should be made payable to the Friends of the Round Rock Public Library.

Memorials and honorariums are materials or funds donated in the name of an individual. Funds collected for a memorial or honorarium should cover the cost of the book or other material being purchased. The staff will inform the donor of any problems in obtaining material with the available funds. If donated funds are not sufficient to cover the cost of an item, or if there is not a specific item in mind, the donor may wish to donate to the Friends of the Round Rock Public Library or have the funds placed in the Library Development Fund for future purchases.

If a specific title is donated or requested, the inclusion of the specific item must meet the selection criteria. When specific titles are not requested, the library staff will make every effort to obtain a memorial or honorarium title which has lasting value. For this reason, best sellers and mass market paperbacks are usually avoided. Staff members assigned to purchasing particular types of material will make the selection, keeping the importance of “lasting value” in mind. A plate designating the memorial or honorarium will be included in or on the material requested or donated.

Presentations are pre-purchased books, usually new, offered by individuals or organizations. Inclusion of specific titles must meet the selection criteria. A plate designating the presentation will be placed in or on the material donated.

Once a donation has been received, a thank you card will be sent to the donor and an announcement card sent to the family of the deceased or the person being honored, the organization or individual making a presentation, or the donor of a monetary gift. After a period of time, a memorial, honorarium, or presentation will be withdrawn due to wear, obsolescence, or loss. In most cases, the item will not be replaced, especially in the case of obsolescence. If an item is replaced, a new plate will be placed in the book.

The Local Author Collection

Adding to the collection:

  • The Local Author collection is developed through submissions by authors living in Williamson and Travis Counties.
  • Authors submit a donated copy of their book along with a signed Local Author Collection Submission Form to a library staff member.
  • The person receiving the form initials and dates it at the bottom.
  • Donations to the Youth collection are given to the Youth Services Manager. Donation to the Adult collection are given to the Collection Development Manager.

Please note the following General Rules for the Local Author Collection:

  • Local authors must reside in Williamson or Travis County.
  • The library accepts only donated items for this collection.
  • Items must meet the guidelines for collection development set by the library.
  • Books chosen for this collection will be cataloged and shelved for one year. At the end of this time, the books may be rotated out of the collection to make room for newer selections.
  • Books removed from the Local Author Collection may be sold through the Friend’s Book Sale, donated to charity or recycled.
  • The Library staff is unable to offer advice or criticism to authors, and cannot review or edit works.
  • If the author is under 18 years old the Local Author Collection Submission Form must also be signed by a parent/guardian.
  • The library may offer a local author book-signing fair once a year.

Removing from the collection: The collection developer assigned to the Local Collection will monitor the books and after one year the books will be evaluated. Books that have not circulated well will be donated to the Book Nook, given to charity or recycled. Books that have circulated well will be brought to the attention of the appropriate collection developer and they will have the option to add it to the collection.

Lucky Day Collection

To better serve our patrons, we’ve purchased extra copies of our most popular titles. Items in the Lucky Day Collection have different rules than the regular collection.

Lucky Day Books:

  • First come, First served
  • 14-day checkout
  • No holds
  • No renewals
  • Limit 2 items at a time
  • Not visible in the online catalog
  • Regular overdue fines of $0.20 per day apply

Lucky Day Blu-ray DVDs:

  • First come, First served
  • 7-day checkout
  • No holds
  • No renewals
  • Limit 2 items at a time
  • Not visible in the online catalog
  • Regular overdue fines of $0.20 per day apply

Also, if you’ve placed a hold a book or movie, but were able to get it as a Lucky Day item, please cancel that hold so others won’t have to wait as long. You can do this yourself by logging into your account or talk to a staff member at a public service desk.

Selection Criteria for Website Links

The Round Rock Public Library maintains links from the Library website to various Internet web pages. The Library is not responsible for the content of external publications and Internet sites linked to/from this website. One of our main goals is to select accurate and unbiased information with a focus on community resources of interest to the residents of Round Rock, Texas. Many of the links are to government and community resource pages, in part because they are non-commercial and have proven reliable and stable over time. A preference is given to sites without advertising and pop-up windows. In addition, we try to link to websites that will complement our collection of print resources and will support the mission of the Library. In determining whether a website could be included as a link, we consider the following factors:

  • Access – Selected sites must be technologically stable and consistently available for viewing. Sites must offer information at no charge to the user.
  • Design – Sites must be cleanly designed, free from visual clutter and well organized. Instructions for use should be clear and interface easy to use.
  • Content – Subject matter should be appropriate to the informational goals of the Library. Information presented must be authoritative, documented, accurate and regularly updated.
  • Timeliness – Some sites will be selected to reflect a current or ongoing community issue or interest.
  • Non-Commercial Sources – Preference may be given to educational (.edu), governmental (.gov), and non-profit organizational sites (.org); however, appropriate commercial sites will be included.

Websites are evaluated using the criteria above by one or more members of the library staff. These links are updated on an irregular basis as new websites emerge and as community needs change. Due to the vast selection of websites available and the number of requests received, even if a site meets the above criteria, the Library may choose not to include the link to the site. Internet sites that are not linked from the Library website may be found by using a search engine.

3.3 Systematic Withdrawal of Materials (Weeding)

Library materials are reviewed regularly (approximately every 2-3 years) for currency of information, use, and availability of more appropriate material. Collection development librarians use the CREW manual as guidance in withdrawing materials. Materials will usually be removed if:

  • More current statistical or factual material is available in the collection. This includes information found via electronic resources.
  • The information is no longer valid and may be dangerous (primarily medical or legal information).
  • The material is aged (yellow and brittle), water stained, moldy, or contains tears, markings or underlining and cannot be restored or is not valuable enough to restore.
  • Duplicate copies are no longer needed to fulfill demand.

Library material which is withdrawn will be disposed of as follows:

  • If attractive and likely to sell, the item will go to the Friends of the Library for their book sale.
  • If worn, obsolete, or unattractive and not likely to sell, the item will be recycled or discarded.
  • In some instances, the book will be donated to an area public or school library or to another non-profit organization.

3.4 Duplication and Replacement of Material

Wide demand for timely and significant materials will require duplication. Demand for individual titles is monitored and additional copies are purchased to meet that demand. Materials are withdrawn from the collection due to loss, wear, damage, dated information, or low demand. These materials are not automatically replaced with the same title, though they may be replaced with a newer title. The decision for replacement is made with regard to several factors:

  • The demand for the particular title or subject.
  • The number of duplicate copies in the collection.
  • The importance of the author and the significance the particular title holds among the author’s works.
  • The availability of better material, already in the collection or in the book market.

3.5 Alternative Information Resources

The library realizes that its role goes beyond that of providing material in “hard copy,” whether that information is in print, audio, video, or digital format. The library will provide access to various forms of information through print and electronic media. Traditional forms of information referral will also be practiced. This includes directing the customer to other agencies which would have the requested information or other libraries which may have information the customer is looking for.

3.6 Reconsideration of Library Materials

In support of the mission of all libraries, as stated in the Library Bill of Rights and The Freedom to Read Statement, Round Rock Public Library (RRPL) provides materials to inform and engage all members of the Round Rock community. Materials in the RRPL collection are selected to represent the diverse viewpoints of our community. The Library upholds the right of individuals to access these resources, even though the content may be controversial, unorthodox, or unacceptable to some.

RRPL resident cardholders requesting that an item be withdrawn or reclassified are encouraged to have a conversation with a Manager. If the cardholder is not satisfied with the Manager’s response, the Manager will provide the cardholder a ‘Request for Reconsideration’ form. The return of the completed form initiates a formal review process. No action will be taken to remove or restrict access to any materials until a final decision has been made.

Customers must apply for new cards or account renewals in person. Cardholders 17 years of age and younger must have a parent or guardian sign for the card and adults 18 and older sign for themselves. While cardholders are cautioned against lending a library card to another individual, library staff must assume that the person in possession of a library card or card number has the permission of its owner. Possession of a library card or number is implied permission to use that card: if an individual presents another individual’s library card or number, whether or not from within the same family, it is assumed that the person presenting the card is authorized by the card owner.

4.1 Proof of Residency

City of Round Rock Resident Library Cards

Residents are those who reside within the corporate boundaries of the City of Round Rock.

Note: Not all Round Rock addresses or zip codes fall within the city corporate boundaries. To see if you live within the City of Round Rock, please check your address with the address checker.

The following documentation is required when applying for a Round Rock Public Library resident card:

  • A valid Texas issued ID with current City of Round Rock address.


  • A valid government issued ID and printed official document with current City of Round Rock address. Examples of official documents to prove City of Round Rock residency include leases, recent utility bills, insurance cards, checks from the bank etc.

Non-resident Library Cards (Paid Full Access or Free Limited Access)


The following documentation is required when applying for a Round Rock Public Library non-resident card:

  • A valid Texas issued ID with current Texas address.


  • A valid government issued ID and printed official document with current Texas address. Examples of official documents to prove current residency include leases, recent utility bills, insurance cards, checks from the bank etc.

4.2 Card Types

All members must be in good standing to use the Library and its resources. To remain in good standing you agree that you will abide by all library policies including the following:

  • Texas Drivers License or a valid government issued ID is required. 
  • Outstanding fines must be less than $5.00.
  • Prompt notice of change of address, name, phone number, or email address must be given.
  • Prompt notification of card loss is required.
  • Payment of all fines/penalties/replacement costs assessed against you or any others using your card with or without your permission.
  • Reimbursement to the City for costs, expenses, attorney’s fees, and municipal court charges if legal procedures occur due to your non-compliance with any applicable ordinances, policies, and procedures.

4.2.1 City of Round Rock Resident Library Cards

City of Round Rock resident library cards expire after two years.

Individual cards: For the probationary first 30 days, individual resident cardholders may check out 5 items at a time. After that, permanent card holders in good standing with a valid Texas ID on file can check out 15 at once.

Family cards: For the first 30 days, family cardholders may check out 15 items at a time. After that, card holders with a valid Texas drivers license or a valid Texas issued identification can check out 45 items at a time.

4.2.2 Non-resident Library Cards (Paid Full Access or Free Limited Access)

Non-resident library cards expire after one year. Paid non-resident cards cost $120 per year.

Paid Individual Full Access: For the probationary first 30 days, paid individual full access cardholders may check out 5 items at a time. After that, permanent card holders in good standing with a valid Texas ID on file can check out 15 at once.

Free Limited Access: For the probationary first 30 days, free limited access cardholders may check out 5 items at a time. After that, free limited access card holders in good standing with a valid Texas ID on file can check out 15 at once. Services excluded for free limited access cardholders include downloadable eBooks, eAudiobooks, movies, music, and streaming materials, access to specialized databases, placing holds, interlibrary loans, take-home technology, TexShare cards, and room reservation services.

4.2.3 TexShare

TexShare is a statewide program that helps libraries and their patrons share resources. Only City of Round Rock resident cardholders and paid non-resident cardholders can request a TexShare card from the Round Rock Public Library 30 days after they receive their library card. Eligible resident and paid non-resident cardholders must have their Round Rock Public Library card in good standing and a valid Texas Drivers License or Texas State Identification on file.

  • Take your Round Rock Public Library TexShare card to any other TexShare library, and you can register as a member of that library without paying out-of-district fees.
  • Each library makes rules about the services TexShare members can receive from that library. 

5.1 Rules for Borrowing Library Materials

Members must be in good standing to use the Library and its resources. To remain in good standing you agree that you will abide by all library policies including the following:
  • Texas Drivers License or a valid government issued ID is required.
  • Outstanding fines must be less than $5.00.
  • Prompt notice of change of address, name, phone number, or email address must be given.
  • Prompt notification of card loss is required.
  • Payment of all fines/penalties/replacement costs assessed against you or any others using your card with or without your permission.
  • Reimbursement to the City for costs, expenses, attorney’s fees, and municipal court charges if legal procedures occur due to your non-compliance with any applicable ordinances, policies, and procedures.

5.2 Checkout Periods

tr> tr>
Item Checkout Renewals Are Holds Allowed? Hold Length
Books and Playaways 3 weeks 3 weeks from renewal date Yes 7 days
New Books 2 weeks 2 weeks from renewal date Yes 7 days
Libby Maximum of 5 items at a time for 2 weeks 2 weeks from renewal date Yes, 3 items in Libby 3 days
Hoopla Maximum of 4 items per month for 3 weeks (except 1 week for Binge Passes and 3 days for videos). The Library has a daily budget limit. 1 renewal per title for the same length as the checkout No, the items are instant checkout N/A
Bluebonnet Books 2 weeks 2 weeks from renewal date Yes 7 days
Lucky Day Collection 1 week (Blu-rays) 2 weeks (Books) No renewals No None
DVDs and Blu-rays 2 weeks 2 weeks from renewal date Yes 7 days
Chromebooks and Hotspots 2 weeks No renewals Yes 7 days
Interlibrary Loans See Interlibrary loan policies

5.3 Fines

Overdue Fines: $0.20 per day, up to an $8.00 maximum per item. Fines are charged on holidays as well as on the days we are open. There is one book drop—available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—located off Lampasas Street. Fines for lost, long overdue or damaged items: Cost of the item. The library will not accept replacement of the actual item.  Once the Library receives payment for a lost, long overdue, or damaged item, the item becomes the property of the borrower.  The Library cannot accept the return of or provide refunds or credits for these materials once payment of replacement charges has been made. Delinquent Accounts: It is the customer’s responsibility to keep track of when their library materials are due. The library helps by sending courtesy notifications by text and/or email on the day library materials are due plus 10, 16, and 22 days overdue. Failure to receive these courtesy notices does not relieve the borrower of the obligation to return or renew the borrowed materials by the due date, does not justify a reduction in fines or exempt the borrower from paying late fees. Accounts are not referred to the collection agency until they are more than 22 days overdue. There is plenty of time to return materials before the collection agency process takes effect. The Round Rock Public Library offers its customers several ways to manage accounts to avoid the collection agency process:
  • Customers can access their online account to renew items or pay fines 24/7.
  • Customers can return materials to the outside return drops located off Lampasas Street 24/7.
  • Customers may contact the library by email at rrpls@roundrocktexas.gov or phone at 512-218-7001.
Collection Agency: The Round Rock Public Library has contracted with a collection agency, McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen, P.C. (MVBA), to assist in recovering unreturned library materials and unpaid fines. Customer accounts are sent to the collection agency in the following circumstance:
  • Overdue material is approximately 22 days past overdue
Once a library account has been transferred to the collection agency, the agency, not library staff, will handle communication with account holders. Account holders are advised to contact the agency at 512-323-3200.

5.4 Renewals

You can renew your items by accessing your account online. Online Renewals, using My Account
  1. In the Borrower Barcode box, type in all 14 numbers from your library card.
  2. Then enter your PIN number in that box.
  3. Click on “Log in”
  4. Then, on the “Checked Out” tab, find the column labeled “Renew” and check the box for individual items you wish to renew and click on “Renew Selected” at the top of the column.
You cannot renew online if:
  • The items have already been renewed two times.
  • The items have been requested by others.
  • Your card is expired, or will expire before the new due date.
  • Your fines and fees exceed $5.

5.5 Placing Holds

Library cardholders can place holds on items that are currently checked in or checked out. Single cardholders may place up to five holds at a time and family cardholders may place up to nine holds at a time. Since the library is open seven days a week, customers have seven calendar days to pick up their items on hold inside the library and three calendar days to pick up their locker hold items. Round Rock Public Library materials are shared by more than 60,000 customers and are in high demand. While the library currently does not charge a fee for holds not picked up, we ask that hold items be promptly picked up or canceled to ensure faster availability for the next person. Holds may be canceled prior to receiving text or email notifications using My AccountOnce notified that the item is waiting for pickup, please call 512-218-7001 to cancel the hold. To place a hold on an item:
  1. Search the Online Catalog to find out if the library owns the item. You may search the catalog by title, author, or subject. This will bring up a list of titles or authors.
  2. To place a hold on an item, click on the “Place hold” button. If the item is checked out, you will be notified by email or text message when your item is available for you to check out.
  3. If the item is available, a staff member will pull the item off the shelf. We pull items once a day. However, a hold placed on an “available” item does not guarantee the item is ready for pick up; our inventory changes frequently as titles are checked out and checked in throughout the day. Your item will be available for pickup only after email or text message notification.

5.5.1 Hold Lockers

Hold Lockers are a self-service locker system that allows library cardholders to check out items they have placed on hold in a convenient, contact free method, with 24/7 access. The lockers are located on the Liberty Street side of the parking garage and there is parking designated for the Hold Lockers. All library customers may use the service. To ensure that your request is placed within the lockers, make sure to select the “Hold Lockers” as your pickup location when you place your hold request online. When you are notified that your hold is ready, visit the Holds Locker any time 24/7. To ensure that all library customers have equal access to the Hold Lockers, all requests will be held for three days. If the items are not picked up within 3 days of the system hold notification, your hold will be canceled. Your library card is required to open the locker. Holds Locker pickup is unavailable for Interlibrary Loans, and select oversized library items. All items held in your locker are already checked out to you. If you need an accommodation to checkout your items (e.g. you cannot reach very high or low places), please call us at 512-218-7001 or email us at rrpls@roundrocktexas.gov when you place your hold requests to alert staff to your needs and we will make the necessary accommodations. If you are unable to check out your items from the Hold Locker and need assistance, please email us at rrpls@roundrocktexas.gov, or call us at 512-218-7001.

The mission of the Round Rock Public Library System is to provide high quality informational, recreational, educational, and cultural resources and services to a diverse population. We are committed to giving individuals, families, and businesses opportunities to expand their knowledge, encourage personal growth and lifelong learning, and enhance the quality of life in our dynamic and changing community. We are committed to providing the fullest possible access to the Internet as “a rich and educational resource for information, ideas and entertainment” (ALA, 2003) and to computing resources generally in support of the library’s mission. We are particularly supportive of uses of these resources that enhance lifelong learning and meet critical information needs.

6.1 Public Access Computers

The Library has public computers available for use by card holders as well as guests who do not have a library card. Public computers are located on on the first, second, and third floors. Sessions for first and third floor computers are two hours and Youth Services second floor computers are 30 minute sessions. All personal information will delete at the end of the session.

Computers automatically shut down at 8:30 p.m. on Mondays – Thursdays. and at 5:30 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. You are responsible for saving your work.

6.1.1 Logging in to a Computer

To log in as a library card holder, enter your library card barcode number and your PIN number when prompted.  To log in as a guest, ask for a “Guest” log-in slip from the main service desk on your current floor.

6.1.2 Printing

Printing is available from our public computers. Printing is $.20 per black and white copy and $.50 per color copy. Wireless printing is also available.

6.1.3 Adult Computer Access

  • Each session is two hours long. Library card holders are eligible for three sessions per day. Guest passes are one-time, single use only.
  • Computer use is first-come, first-serve. 
  • Abuse of the rules or equipment may result in the loss of computer privileges.

6.1.4 Children’s Computer Access

  • Sessions are 30 minutes long and children under the age of six must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Computer use is first-come, first-serve. 
  • You may log in using your library card and PIN or you may use a guest login. Pick up a guest pass at the service desk. Guest passes are one-time, single use only.
  • Staff will not provide training other than getting onto the machine.
  • Staff have the right to interrupt or cancel the use of a computer.
  • Abuse of the rules or equipment may result in the loss of computer privileges.
  • You may save data to your own memory stick.

Parental responsibilities

  • Although the library has installed filters on the children’s computers, we do not guarantee that a child cannot access material that you may deem inappropriate.
  • It is the Library’s policy that parents or legal guardians must assume responsibility for deciding what library resources are appropriate for their children.
  • Help your child understand what materials you do not want them to use.
  • Instruct your child on rules for online safety.

6.2 Computer User Guidelines


6.2.1 General Guidelines

  • The Library is not responsible for any objectionable material that may be found on the Internet.
  • Computers automatically shut down at 8:30 p.m. on Mondays – Thursdays. and at 5:30 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.  You are responsible for saving your own work.
  • Parents are responsible for their children’s use of equipment, including selections of materials to be viewed.
  • All computer use is allowed on a first come first-served basis.
  • You may download materials to the computer’s hard drive, but they will be deleted when you log out or when the computer shuts down. 

6.2.2 User Responsibilities

  • You are responsible for saving your work.
  • Obey all federal, state and local laws.
  • Treat library equipment in a responsible manner.
  • Respect computer time limits and be courteous to other users.
  • Be cautious when entering personal information such as address, bank account, Social Security Number, or email address. The library does not guarantee total security and safety on the Internet.
  • Know how to use the computer and program(s) you plan to use. Staff members may not be familiar with all software programs available on the computers.
  • Printing costs: Patrons will be charged $0.20 per page for black/white copies and $0.50 per page for color copies. Payment for print jobs is by either a debit or credit card.  If you pay with cash, payment is accepted only at the first floor service desk. Wireless printing is also available. If you want only a part of a web page and do not know how to print selectively, please ask for assistance.
  • No more than two people may view a computer at once.

6.2.3 Prohibited Uses

The following are prohibited:

  • Do not interfere with the operation of any computer, on-site or remote.
  • Do not alter, damage or destroy data or computer programs.
  • Do not access, view, display, print, transmit, or distribute sites or material in violation of Texas laws regarding obscenity, child pornography, and materials harmful to minors as specified in Texas Penal Code §§ 43.22, 43.23, §43.24, or §42.26.

Texas Penal Code §§ 43.22, 43.23, 43.24, and 43.026 provide in pertinent part:

  • Texas Penal Code §43.22: A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly displays or distributes an obscene photograph, drawing, or similar visual representation or other obscene material and is reckless about whether a person is present who will be offended or alarmed by the display or distribution.
  • Texas Penal Code §43.23: A person commits an offense if, knowing its content and character, he wholesale promotes or possesses with intent to wholesale promote any obscene material or obscene device.
  • Texas Penal Code  §43.24: A person commits an offense if, knowing that the material is harmful [to minors] he displays harmful material and is reckless about whether a minor is present who will be offended or alarmed by the display.
  • Texas Penal Code  §43.26: A person commits an offense if the person knowingly or intentionally possesses visual material that visually depicts a child younger than 18 years of age at the time the image of the child was made who is engaging in sexual conduct.

Authorities will be notified and your user privilege will be terminated if you are caught viewing child pornography.

6.3 Technology to Borrow

The Round Rock Public Library provides library cardholders technology to borrow. Members who have had a card for more than 30 days and are in good standing with a valid Texas state ID or Texas driver license are eligible to use these services. If technology borrowed from the Round Rock Public Library is damaged, lost or stolen, the customer is responsible for replacement costs.

Limitations of use

  • Round Rock Public Library technology should never be left unattended.
  • Customers should not tamper with the security settings on the device. Doing so will result in the loss of borrowing privileges and/or fines.
  • Personal software should not be downloaded nor should personal files be retained on the device.

6.3.1 Laptops for Use Inside the Library

Laptop computers are available on a first come, first served basis and no reservations are permitted. Laptops circulate for a period of four hours and are not renewable. Overdue fine is $1 per hour with a maximum fine of $8. Laptops should be returned to the service desk at least 15 minutes prior to closing. To check out a laptop, ALL these requirements must be met:

  • Minimum age 18.
  • Fines under $5.
  • Present his/her own Round Rock Public Library card (not just the library card number) along with his/her own Texas state ID or Texas driver license.
  • No other form of ID will be accepted including driver licenses from other states.

6.3.2 Chromebooks

The Round Rock Public Library also offers Chromebooks for a two (2) week checkout.

  • Chromebooks must be checked out and returned to the 3rd floor Reference Desk complete with case, power supply cord and battery adapter.
  • $1.00 overdue fee per day.
  • Chromebooks can be put on hold but cannot be renewed.
  • A valid Texas state ID or Texas driver license and a Round Rock library card in good standing is required to check out a Chromebook.
  • Borrowers must be 18 years or older. Due to the high cost of these items, a borrower may check out a Chromebook only on his or her own library card.
  • Borrowers agree to take full monetary responsibility for failure to return and for any damage and/or missing accessories, up to and including the full replacement cost, that occurs while the device is in their possession. Accessories include the power supply cord and battery adapter.
  • For security, it is the borrower’s responsibility to perform a “Powerwash” before returning a Chromebook. Powerwashing is what Google Chrome OS calls a “Factory Reset”. Instructions to execute the Powerwash command can be found in the bag.
  • Borrowers will comply with all state and federal laws and the Round Rock Public Library Internet Acceptable Use Policy (available on request).
  • Borrowers understand and acknowledge that the Internet contains images and content that may be offensive or harmful and release the Round Rock Public Library and the City of Round Rock from all liabilities associated with the viewing of, use of or exposure to any information, picture, graphical representation or illustration encountered while using this device.
  • Borrowers understand that creating, storing and using their personal data (including all files, folders and media) on this device is at their own risk and that the Round Rock Public Library and the City of Round Rock are not responsible for the loss of any personal data (including all files, folders and media).

6.3.3 Hotspots

  • Must have a Round Rock Public Library card in good standing and a valid Texas state ID or Texas driver license.
  • Borrowers must be 18 years or older. 
  • Two (2) week checkout. No renewal.
  • Wireless Hotspot must be returned to the 3rd floor Service Desk complete with case, power supply cord, and battery adapter.
  • The service will be turned off once the hotspot has been kept past its due date.
  • The daily late fee will be $1.00 a day with a maximum late fee of $40.00.
  • Borrowers will comply with all state and federal laws and the Round Rock Public Library Internet Acceptable Use Policy (available on request)and understand that open, unsecured wireless network “Hotspots” are freely and easily accessible with little regard to who is using the network at any time. Due to this inherent insecurity, borrowers will not hold the Round Rock Public Library or the City of Round Rock responsible for data loss, breach of confidential information, or interception of any confidential information that may be the result of malicious activity by another wireless user, web site, or software on any given wireless user’s PC. Wireless hotspot users are cautioned against using online banking, auctions, email, and any other type of Internet-based activity that exposes clear text user names and passwords.
  • Borrowers understand and acknowledge that the Internet contains images and content that may be offensive or harmful and release the Round Rock Public Library and the City of Round Rock from all liabilities associated with the viewing of, use of or exposure to any information, picture, graphical representation, or illustration encountered while using this wireless connection.
  • Borrowers will not violate any state or federal statute including those regarding obscenity, pornography, and the delivery of any such material to minors.
  • Borrowers understand and accept that failure to comply with this Round Rock Public Library Hotspot Policy may result in suspension of Library privileges and/or other appropriate legal action.

6.4 Wireless Network

Library wireless Internet is provided through RRTX-WiFi. Users are responsible for knowing how to use their devices/computers. RRTX-WiFi is a service provided by the City of Round Rock offering residents and visitors to our community access to high-speed wireless Internet in select locations. Find RRTX-WiFi locations throughout the City of Round Rock using the WiFi map.

Unauthorized duplication is a violation of copyright laws (Title 17, U. S. Code). Do not copy, download, or distribute copyright-protected materials, except as permitted by the principles of “fair use,” without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

8.1 Unattended Children

All children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Children of all ages are expected to comply with all policies of the Library. If unaccompanied children violate Library policies, their parents or legal guardians will be called and asked to remove their children from the Library. The library staff will notify the police if any unaccompanied children are in the Library at closing time.

8.2 Inappropriate Sexual Behavior

The Library is committed to providing an environment free from harassment, offensive behavior or intimidation on the basis of a person’s sex. This policy affirms the City of Round Rock’s position against sexual harassment and ensures that all employees, visitors, volunteers and patrons are provided an environment free of sexual harassment, as well as to provide a procedure for reporting allegations of sexual harassment. Patrons should report allegations to a staff member immediately. The City of Round Rock will ensure swift and appropriate action is taken in response to any allegation of sexual harassment. Acts of sexual harassment by any employee are prohibited. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and any other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, which is offensive or objectionable to the recipient and/or an observer. This includes, but is not limited to, any derogatory or suggestive verbal comments or physical conduct. Sexual harassment also includes sexually suggestive or obscene materials, such as visual materials, music, computer software or literature, which may create an offensive or hostile environment. In cases where children are involved, the Police Department will be called immediately. The child should be with a staff member and one other person. If there is a parent nearby, the parent should be invited to wait with the staff member and child. If a parent or guardian is not in the building, the parent or other member of the immediate family should be contacted. In cases of adult victims, the Police Department will be notified. Staff members are to complete an incident report including the description of the perpetrator and note the person’s automobile license number if the person leaves the library and it is safe to obtain the information. Police will be called in the following cases:

  • Indecent exposure
  • Molestation or unwanted touching
  • Self-gratification

8.3 Photo Permissions Policy and Procedures

Library sponsored programs, classes and events, may be photographed or videotaped for library promotional purposes. Notify library staff if you wish not to be photographed.

Group Photos

Release of photograph and/or name is not required. When a photographer attends a program, in lieu of photo release forms, programmers or library staff will announce at the beginning that “the library may photograph or videotape you for library promotional purposes. Notify library staff if you do not wish to be photographed.” Signage will also be posted in the program area.

Individual Photos

A signed Release of Photograph and/or Name Form is required for the following:

  • Staff or programmers zoom in for a close-up on one particular person in a large group and when a close-up picture of a library customer is taken.
  • When taking a posed photo of a library customer; they are acting as a model or being interviewed.

We request that library customers be considerate, respectful, and responsible when taking photos on library premises. Only take photos of other people if you have their permission. Formal photo sessions or videotaping must be approved by the Library Director in advance.

8.4 Service Animals

Rules regarding service animals in the library, as outlined by the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department. Service animals are dogs of any breed and size that are trained to perform a task directly related to a person’s disability. They are not required to be certified or go through a professional training program, nor are they required to wear a vest or other ID that indicates they’re a service dog. Emotional support or comfort dogs do not qualify as service animals under the ADA because providing emotional support or comfort is not a task related to a person’s disability and they have not been trained to perform a specific job or task.
If you are working at a business or state/local government facility and it is unclear to you whether someone’s dog is a service dog, you may ask two questions: ‘Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?’ and ‘What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?’ You are not allowed to request any documentation that the dog is registered, licensed, or certified as a service animal, require that the dog demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of the person’s disability.
It’s important to note that a dog that is wearing a vest is not necessarily a service animal, as service animals are not required to wear vests. The dog still needs to be trained to perform a task for a person with a disability to be considered a service animal.
Finally, a person with a disability cannot be asked to remove their service animal from the premises unless the dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it or the dog poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
For more information, you can visit the ADA website’s FAQ page on service animals.


8.5 Round Rock Public Library Restrooms and Comfort Room Policies

8.5.1 Restrooms

  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor restrooms are multi-stall restrooms for patrons of any age. There is one handicap-accessible stall in each restroom as well as a diaper-changing table.
  • 2nd and 3rd floors Family Restrooms are handicap accessible and include a diaper-changing table. Anyone wanting to use these restrooms need to request access at the service desk on the respective floor.
  • Family Restrooms can be used on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Family Restrooms close 30 minutes prior to the library’s closing time.

Round Rock Public Library strives to provide safe and accessible rooms throughout the library. Wellness-checks by staff, which involve knocking on the door and announcing themselves may be performed by staff members as needed in any of these rooms.

8.5.2 Comfort Room

  • The second-floor comfort room is to be used by nursing mothers or children who need a safe and quiet space due to sensory overload.
    • The comfort room is not intended for:
    • Use as a lounge, study room, private playroom, or meeting room
    • Organized group activities or meetings
    • Sleeping
  • The comfort room is to be used on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • The comfort room closes 30 minutes prior to the library’s closing time.
  • Users may occupy the room for up to one hour.
  • Individuals must visit the second-floor youth reference desk to check out the key and gain entrance to the room.
  • Library staff members may knock to announce themselves, and then enter the room for a wellness-check if there is reasonable cause for concern. Reasonable cause for a check includes an individual occupying the room for more than one hour.
  • It is the responsibility of everyone using the comfort room to clean up after themselves.
  • Drinks with lids are allowed; food is not.
  • Personal items should not be left unattended. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Personal items left behind will be taken to the library’s “lost and found” area.
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