The City of Round Rock operates under the 2015 International Fire Code and standards referenced there within.
Fire inspectors must review the following plans:
- Site/Civil
- Fire Alarm System
- Any unique fire system for a special purpose or hazard
- Building
- Fire Sprinkler System/Standpipe System
Site/Civil and Building Plans
Applicable Code: 2015 International Fire Code and other recognized standards and publications. Contact Planning and Development Services for submittal.
General Submittal Requirements
- Address / Name of building or business
- Key map showing location of site
- Symbol / legend key and scale
- Seal of registered professional engineer
- North arrow
Traffic patterns, driveways, and fire lanes
- Existing and proposed traffic patterns of driveways, and of proposed fire lanes identifying and labeling all physical barriers to vehicular access including but not limited to gates, bollards, landscaping and the alike. Must be able to reach all aspects of the building within 150 feet of the fire lane.
- All driveway and/or fire lane dimensions, percent grades, turning radii and design specifications including load capacity.
- Dimensions of vertical clearance of all overhead obstructions (overhangs, canopies and the like). 13’6″ minimum clearance.
- 20 feet unobstructed fire lane clearance.
- Dead-end fire access maximum of 150 feet. Anything greater than 150 feet requires code approved turn-around.
- 25 feet inside turning radii and 50 feet outside turning radii.
- No angles of approach more than 7 percent or grade breaks greater than 3 percent.
- All weather-driving surface (concrete or asphalt) in place prior to bringing combustibles on site with hydrants in service.
Structures, landscaping, and fire hydrants
- Location of all proposed and existing structures, landscaping, fire hydrants, (both private and public) shall be clearly identified.
- Hydrants must be within 100 feet of all FDC’s (Fire Department Connections)
- 3 feet clear space around the circumference of the hydrant.
- Indicate all existing and proposed water mains and fire hydrants. Water mains should be dual feed. Fire hydrant placement should be 300 feet in commercial and multi-family and 500 feet in residential.
- Riser room shall have access from the exterior of the building.
- Dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings, parking lots and vehicular use areas, landscape islands, peninsulas and medians, amenities, walls, fences, sidewalks, and any other land improvements. All roadways, driveways, overpasses, bridges, culverts and decorative/ pervious pavers, and grasscrete shall be labeled and identified with support loads clearly indicated.
- Information for each structure on the site shall include but is not limited to:
- Proposed use
- Number of stories
- Construction Type (I-V)
- Proposed height of structures
- Finished floor elevations
- Square footage of each story
- Total square footage
This list has been compiled for the review of civil, site and building plan reviews. This list is not intended to be the sole source of information. Each set of plans will be reviewed according to the uniqueness of each structure on a case-by-case basis. The Fire Prevention Division is not responsible for anything that may or may not be on any set of plans, and reserve the right to enforce life and fire safety codes upon site inspection after all reviews have been completed.