Friends, colleagues remember Officer Charles Whites

Family, friends, the Round Rock Police Department, Round Rock community, and representatives from dozens of other first responder agencies celebrated the life of Officer Charles Whites on May 2 at Shoreline Church. The church services were followed by full Law Enforcement Honors, including a 21 gun salute, presenting of the flags, riderless horse, and bagpipes.

In a particularly powerful gesture, Officer Whites’ call sign A-153 was retired from use by the Department by Chief Allen Banks via dispatch radio. The celebration concluded with a police procession through Downtown Round Rock to the funeral home. 

It was a beautiful service highlighting the many virtues of Charles Whites – both the person and the officer. Family and friends spoke of his intellect and his love of the outdoors. Hal Sogin, Charles’ brother-in-law, told stories of Charles’ beat up old truck that he loved to drive even after it lost the ability to make left hand turns. RRPD Chaplain Jerry Lyle talked about the conversations they would have on patrol ride-alongs, listening to classical music and reminiscing of the vanishing Austin landmarks of their childhood.

Fellow officers remembered his mustache smile and aviator sunglasses. Officer Josh Chadney marveled at Charles’ attention to detail, including meticulous police reports. Chief Banks spoke of Charles’ constant level of preparedness, including wearing knee and elbow pads under his uniform. 

Officer Chris Wilson spoke of the time Charles leaped out of his patrol car after a fleeing suspect, while the vehicle was still in drive. Officer Lynn Carmichael revealed that on the morning of Feb. 25 – the day that Charles was struck by a vehicle – one of the drivers passing by took a photo of Charles as he was directing traffic because the driver was impressed by his enthusiasm (like he was “dancing”). The driver found out later that she took the photo just before Charles was struck. 

Chaplain Don Dye thanked the many agencies, organizations, and companies that supported Officer Charles Whites and his family since the injury. Chief Banks gave special thanks to Austin anesthesiologist Dr. Robert Cinclair for stopping to render aid to Charles shortly after he was struck by the vehicle. Dr. Cinclair opened up Charles’ airway, which gave his family and friends another two months to be with Charles.




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