Water Conservation

Current News:

  1. Round Rock is participating in a nationwide Water Study!  Our citizen’s input in crucial.  Participate in this short survey if you live in Round Rock.
    • Questions pertain to the water using fixtures and appliances in your home or apartment.
    • Survey takes about 6 minutes (approximately 25 multi-choice questions)
    • It’s completely anonymous. 
  2. Rain Barrel sale going on Feb. 1 – March 26, 2025.
  3. Go n Grow Plant Box sale going on Feb. 3 – March 26, 2025. 
  4. Sign up for our new, bimonthly CORR Conservation Newsletter!  
Go n Grow Plant Box Sale Starts Feb. 3, 2025.
Rain Barrel Sale Starts Feb. 1, 2025

Watering Rules are in Effect Year Round.

The City’s Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plans were updated and approved by City Council on June 13, 2024.  As part of these updates, Round Rock included year-round water use rules.  These rules will be in place with there is not a specific drought stage in effect.  Year round water use standards apply to all Round Rock water customers, including several Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) outside the City limits. 
This year-round standard allows for two days of outdoor water use by automatic irrigation system or hose end sprinkler per the schedule below.  Hand-held watering is permitted at any time and on any day.  
PLEASE NOTE: If you are installing new landscaping and plan on irrigating it more frequently than twice per week, you need to apply for a watering variance, found here.  

Year Round Water Use Standard Watering Schedule

Under the new Year Round Water Use Standards, Round Rock customers (including MUD residents) may water up to a maximum of two days per week based on the last digit of your house number. Watering is allowed before 10 a.m. or after 7 p.m. on your designated days.

Property Address or House Number Ends inYear Round Water DaysStage 1 Water Days
0 or 3Monday / ThursdayMonday / Thursday
1, 5, or 9Wednesday / SaturdayWednesday / Saturday
2, 6 or 7Tuesday / FridayTuesday / Friday
4 or 8Sunday / Thursday

Sunday / Thursday

  • Drip irrigation and soaker hoses are NOT EXEMPT from these rules.
  • Hand-watering is allowed at any time, on any day.


Lake Levels for Round Rock's Main Sources of Water

Lakes Travis and Buchanan (LCRA)

Lakes Georgetown and Stillhouse Hollow (BRA)


Stop by the Utility Billing Office or the Utilities and Environmental Services Building for free water resources. Free items may include*:

  • Dye tablets to check toilets for leaks
  • Bathroom faucet aerators
  • Plumber’s tape to fix leaking showerheads and faucets
  • Rain gauges
  • Garden hose timers
  • Publications on rainwater collection, native landscaping, and irrigation system maintenance
  • Plumber’s Handbook for easy plumbing repairs to make around the house
  • Request to have a toilet leak detection kit mailed to you, free of charge

*Quantities are limited and selection does change periodically.

City Water Ordinances

Interested in reading the City’s water ordinances?  Find them at the following links:

Report Water Waste or Watering Violations

Water waste is always prohibited. To report water waste or watering violations, please click the button below or call 512-671-2872. All complaints are kept confidential.

  • Water running down a street or other impervious surface
  • Failure to repair a controllable leak on the property
  • Watering with an automatic irrigation system or hose end sprinkler between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
  • Drought restriction violations*
    • *Sports fields that are in use are exempt from restrictions for safety reasons (such as at schools, Old Settlers Park soccer, baseball, and softball fields, YMCA sports fields, and the Clay Madsen soccer fields).
    • *Watering by hand, holding a garden hose, IS permitted at any time of day.

Water Conservation

3400 Sunrise Road
Round Rock, Texas 78665
Phone: 512-671-2872
Fax: 512-255-6911
Email: waterconservation@roundrocktexas.gov

Conservation Dashboard

The City of Round Rock launched an online dashboard that allows the community to see how their conservation efforts are contributing to regional water-saving goals and inform City leaders of whether more restrictions are required to meet those goals. 

This initiative comes in response to the call from the City’s raw water providers, urging residents to reduce water consumption amidst ongoing dry conditions. The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), which provides raw water from Lake Travis to the City of Round Rock and other nearby cities, has asked Round Rock to cut back water use by 10%-20% and implement mandatory water restrictions. Similarly, the Brazos River Authority enacted a Stage 2 Drought Warning for lakes Georgetown and Stillhouse Hollow in August 2023. 

Round Rock water customers need to achieve at least a 10% reduction in overall usage from our peak demand of approximately 38 million gallons per day (MGD).

This means Round Rock’s daily water usage needs to drop below 34 MGD

Round Rock water customers need to achieve at least a 10% reduction in average water usage of approximately 26.89 million gallons per day (MGD).

This means Round Rock’s daily water usage needs to drop below 24.17 MGD

Current 7-day average

(in millions of gallons per day)

Round Rock Total Water Consumption Per Day

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